Oromo Liberation Army claims to have launched “cleanup operations” against government forces

According to Odaa Tarbii, an Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) spokesperson, the armed group has intensified its operations with the aim of dislodging the Ethiopian military from western Oromia state.

Eastern Times Editorial Team
The Oromia Report


Picture of Oromo Liberation Army’s soldiers (credit: www.olacommunique.com)

The Oromo Liberation Army has been engaged in a underreported conflict with the Ethiopian government for the last three years. Fighting was initially concentrated in western and southern Oromia but recently there have been reports of fierce battles in Oromia’s central zones of West Shawa and West Arsi — some in areas as close as 40km to the capital city, Addis Abeba.

A series of 3 updates sent out by the OLA lists 21 different attacks on the Ethiopian military that took place between June 29th to July 5th, 2021. According to these updates, the majority of these clashes took place in western Oromia where analysts have said the OLA is strongest. They allege over 250 government forces have been killed in 6 days of fighting.



Eastern Times Editorial Team
The Oromia Report

Indepth coverage of what's going on in the Horn of Africa, with a particular focus on Ethiopia and Eritrea.