Digital Credentials on the Blockchain

Teddy Alexieva
The OS University Blog
2 min readMar 22, 2018

How OS University guarantees that personal data stored in the platform is safe and erased if needed?

Event organiser: Sofia Legal hackers

The Event

OS University gave a presentation at Computational Law + Blockchain Festival in Sofia 2018, on 17th March at Sofia University. A global event bringing people from different fields together— programmers, designers, lawyers, researchers and students. It aims to create a shared global future vision of law, legal practice and policies. In the spirit of decentralization, hosts of the festival were independent, self-organized “nodes” in cities around the world.

Sofia was one of almost 50 cities to host the event! This makes it the place with one of the most active blockchain communities in the world! Thanks to Sofia Legal Hacker who organized the festival this year and invited us to participate in the pilot one.

Why OS University uses Blockchain? — Credits: Ivan Shishiev​ / Иван Шишиев

Private data and database

With blockchain technologies emerging, we have new ways to further strengthen data-ownership, transparency and trust between entities. Because of the origin of the festival Computational Law + Blockchain and the recent news around personal data, during the discussion we were asked a question related to data security and how we guarantee it.

The way The General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR in short, is formulated, we cannot store data directly on the blockchain since in GDPR terms ‘it is not erasable’. This prohibits us from using this technology to its full potential, so we need to rely on ‘older’ systems for storing data which simply cannot guarantee the same benefits as most blockchain technologies. And here is the solution we provide the two parties in the project — Academia and Businesses who have the responsibility to secure their user’s personal data.

How does OS University guarantee that personal data stored in the platform is safe

Our CTO, Jordan gave a full explanation on how OS University is dealing with this issue:

We don’t save the data on the blockchain, only the addresses are saved there. The data is part of the certificate with which people access the system…

Watch the full explanation from our CTO and get to know more about what we do and how we do it. Credits to MOVE.BG for the video recording.

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Teddy Alexieva
The OS University Blog

Marketing & Business Development - Blockchain - Traveling