OS University Dec 2017 Presale Update

Open Source University
The OS University Blog
4 min readJan 7, 2018

December 2017 was a strong month for Open Source University.


Our Project Lead, Hristian Daskalov, shares his personal insights originally in Linkedin — https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/osuniversity-dec-2017-presale-recap-hristian-daskalov

I would like to start this article by wishing you all a healthy and succesfull 2018! May the new year be full of personal and profesional achievements! Me and my colleagues from the OS University team will make sure you can register them on the Ethereum blockchain so that they become immutable and reach all the right people :)

Having said that, I would like to briefly outline what we achieved over the last month of 2017 together, as a team behind world’s first L&D ledger on the Ethereum blockchain, aimed to empower 7 billion learners to connect to world’s top academic education and professional development opportunities:

  • On Dec 31 we closed the first phase of a successful private presale of our EDU tokens that will enable the transactions of vaule on OS University platform. Both institutional and private investors contributed to the campaign, paving the way for a succesful crowdsale in Q2 2018. Given the opportunity that presented itself, an important decision was made to dedicate a percentage of the EDU tokens for strategic academic and corporate partnerships on the global stage. The details around these partnerships are to be announced over the first half of 2018. Stay tuned and join our Telegram community to learn more!
  • On Dec 19 we were awarded by the Minister of Education with a presitgious academic award — “Doctoral Candidate of the Year”. This came in recognition of the research excellence demonstrated over 2017 in regards to project’s R&D achievements. Special thanks to the National Assembly of the Students’ Councils for setting up and inviting us to attend the amazing ceremony at the National Theather in Sofia.
  • On Dec 13 our co-branded video with JobTiger & JobTiger Recruitment was published. It is a great story about the opportunities to modernize the L&D world together. We are looking forward to recreate this best practice with other partnering organizations from the OS University eco-system.
  • Throughout the entire month we were receiving a lot of positive feedback from investors, as well as from media. “Economy” magazine dedicated 2 page article on the project. A video interview with our technology lead was featured on “Certification Magazine”. Independent review of “Bitcoin Exchange Guide” highlighted our EDU tokens as suitable hedge against ETH price volatility. Our russian community saw us featured in VC.ru.
  • Our team extended with great experts from around the world. Mariya Georgieva, a succeful young entrepreneur with vast international experience, took over the role of a Global Ambassadors program lead. Milena Ribarova, a finance and banking area professional, passionate about bringing a bright future for the education, joined the team as well — she had an article of hers posted on our blog.
  • Muhammad Haroon — a renowned crypto-community expert and educational change-maker from Pakistan, along with Ivan Alsina Jurnet — an innovative researcher at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) accepted our personal invitations to become ambassadors to the OS University in their respective communities. Watch out! — we are yet to announce their ambassadorship roles officially, along with more details about the program itself.

In Q1 2018 we will be focusing on the development of an alfa-version of the OS University platform. We believe that after more than 30 months of research, validation, prototyping and community building, the upcoming release will complete the efforts of the team and will enable us to grow product-wise.

Apart from development, in January alone, we will participate in several high-profile events — Sofia’s upcoming seminar The Legal Chains of Blockchain, London Blockchain Week and the biggest edtech conference in UK — Bett Show 2018. I hope to see with some of you at these or other events that are in your radar.

All in all, 2017 was an extremelly succesful year for the Open Source University project. We hope that in 2018 this project will help you and your organizations grow and benefit from the technology innovations behind it.

Looking forward to updating you on our progress next month! In the meanwhile, I remain available for any ideas, questions or comments that you may have to share.

Best, Hristian

on behalf of Jordan, Momchil, Dobromir, Peter, Vladimir, Tedy, Margi, Seva, Ivan, Andrii and a number of other change-makers

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