It was a great opportunity for the Open Source University project to be among the innovators to sponsor the Blockchain Asia Forum in Manila this week.

The Blockchain Applications and Economics Forum 2018 in Manilla, Philippines featured the following program layout in its 3-day agenda:

  • An one-day boot camp aiming to attract software developers, enthusiasts and tech experts with the passion or interest on coding on the Ethereum Blockchain. It included fundamentals, developments, programming and smart contract assignments on Ethereum.
  • The second day featured panel discussions about global developments and perspective regarding Ethereum blockchain. Additionally, there was a discussion set on blockchain ventures legality, innovations, the rise of ICOs and AI disruption with blockchain.
  • The last day of the event featured the discussion on the social impact of blockchain and possible implications of the technology in the world of entertainment. The potential consequences of the logistics, agriculture and energy sectors were also a point of discussion.

It was the perfect environment for OS.University to establish further connections with well known projects and influencers from the crypto sector. This is the second best event for our project for this week. The first came with the nomination of OS.University as a finalist for “Most innovative use of Blockchain for Social Good 2018” in The Block Awards, being presented during Blockchain Expo 2018, June 27–28, 2018 in Amsterdam.

The Blocks for the Blockchain projects is what OSCARS are for the movie stars. It has been designed to recognise outstanding strategy, application, and effectiveness of blockchain technologies. An opportunity for everyone involved and interested in the blockchain technologies to assemble together and celebrate ‘excellence’ in blockchain, during a fun filled evening.

This is a great recognition of our research and development over the past years building the world’s academic & career development ledger — a decentralised platform providing the “digital credentials wallet” as a service to the learners/users without any limits to what universities, fields of studies or courses they choose. We enable learners to find the best learning & career development opportunities by getting connected to academia and businesses on the chain.

Every learning achievement and acomplishment, every profesisionl development opportunity is being recorded in the distrubuted database, so that learners build an educational identity, which is immutable, hence its trustworthy, of value to educators and employers.

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