One Nature to rule them all — Letter #7

The Other Day I Thought Of
1 min readNov 20, 2020
Photo by Stephanie LeBlanc on Unsplash

Dear Ricardo,

First, let me apologize for the delayed answer to your kind letter.

You raise a very interesting topic on this natural vs. unnatural discussion. In fact, as I previously wrote, I think all actions are natural. I guess the classification of actions as “unnatural” is a useful tool of exclusion. You mentioned homosexuals, but it really applies to a large set of groups that traditionally don’t fit the common standards (geeks are somewhat cool now, but it wasn’t always the case, was it?).

But if you think about it, this “unnatural” label is almost always a tool for exclusion, even when it comes to products and goods.

As in most of the cases, labels are oversimplifications of complex subjects, which makes me wonder if this isn’t lazy speech that we all apply somehow. In any case, isn’t fighting lazy speech and getting to the bottom of each question exactly what we are trying to do here?

So, what do you think, did we manage to scratch the surface on this topic, or not even close?

I personally think we got some interesting insights (but a lot of new questions and adjacent topics as well!)

Take care,


Read Ricardo’s response here.

