Gay Games back IOC Bach’s borrowing

Matt Roebuck
The Other Olympics News Service
2 min readAug 24, 2016

In 1984, the US Olympic Committee sued the founders of the Gay Olympics for use of “thier” name. In 2016, the renamed Gay Games have applauded the Olympics for borrowing their motto.

The Federation of Gay Games — the Gay Games’ equivalent of the International Olympic Committee — has sent a letter to IOC president Thomas Bach congratulating him for his Rio 2016 closing ceremony speech where he declared that we are “All equal”. “All equal” just so happens to be the motto of Paris 2018 Gay Games.

Manuel Picaud, vice president of Paris 2018 Gay Games

“In this Olympic world, there is one universal rule for everybody. We are all equal.” — Thomas Bach

The letter continued to compliment the IOC on thier handling of “homophobic Grindr outing piece in the Daily Beast”, the inclusion of sexual orientation in principle six of the Olympic Charter and the number of LGBT athletes feeling safe enough to compete openly at the Rio Games.

Kurt Dahl and Joanie Evans, FGG co-presidents conclude by inviting Bach to Paris 2018 to further develop a relationship between the two bodies.

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