Critical Reflection #7 — Quotes

Karisza Wanta
1 min readApr 8, 2017


“People have a kind of language that is organic knowledge…” (p. 98).

“Without practice there’s no knowledge; at least it’s difficult to know without practice” (p. 98).

“To me, it’s essential that you start where people are. But if you’re going to start where they are and they don’t change, then there’s no point in starting because you’re not going anywhere” (p. 99).

“I would say that we have to go beyond the common sense of the people, with the people. My quest is not to go alone but to go with the people. Then having a certain scientific understanding of how the structures of society work, I can go beyond the common-sense understanding of how the society works — not to stay at this level but, starting from this, to go beyond” (p. 101).

“Neutrality is just following the crowd. Neutrality is just being what the system asks us to be. Neutrality, in other words, was an immoral act” (p. 102).

“This is why neutrality is the best way for one to hide his or her choice, you see. If you are not interested in proclaiming your choices, then you have to say that you are neutral” (p. 103).

“The teacher does not need just to know the contents but also to know how to teach the contents. To know the history of the content and not exclusively the content” (p. 108)

