Discourses impact upon thyself and others.

Jakey Gantan
The “Other”
Published in
2 min readFeb 3, 2016

WHAT: “Helping and fixing” construct people who are “helped” as others due to the overpowering sense of dominance. The U.S constantly is always attempting to help other countries due to its high range of middle class citizens, and in result of this success the U.S. tend to assert a feeling of assertion and dominance without knowing. A quote from the Illich article states, “It is quite possible the hypocrisy is unconscious of most of you” (iilich 1). As Illich continues to rant on, he describes relations between taking a visit to the ghetto similar to Mexico, which is in his terms considered “hysterical”. I could easily imagine this instance happening to myself, and definitely appeal to illich’s argument. Remen also states how humans recognize our power when we are able to serve. The quote says, “serving makes us aware of wholeness and its power”. When the U.S. attempts to “volunteer”, we our proud of our “wholeness” and realize the power that we have among other countries who we believe are “less fortunate”.

SO WHAT: Donald Trump is a prime example of a man who can control another groups discourse. In this article he states that he wants to overturn the legalizing of same-sex marriage in the U.S. He names several things he plans to do such as reappoint new justices who would overturn the ruling, since he believes it is a states’-rights issue. If Trump were to pursue this action, he would enrage the “gay” population which would cause an outrage. Gays are constructed as others because the natural way growing up was the relations between a man and woman, woman and man. Due to these beliefs, this places the “gay” population into the category of others.


NOW WHAT: This concept now makes me second guess my service learning motives. Since I am serving at CCCSF, which is located in Canal which is a low poverty neighborhood and the program is designed around Spanish speaking citizens, how will I know if these people truly want my service, and how will I know if they truly don’t? A quote from illich says “ the existence of organizations like yours is offensiveto mexico” (iilch 1). Could this possibly be a good idea to serve people who do not want my help? Although that problem arose, I realized that these people do need help. Coming to America became the obvious step that they are trying to pursue a better lifestyle for themselves and their children. Remen says, “only service heals” (Remen 2).I hope my service will be the healing factor towards progression in their lives.

