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The OtherLife Journals
One woman’s view of the wild ride of indie filmmaking.
10 reasons to watch OtherLife
10 reasons to watch OtherLife
OtherLife is now streaming on Netflix! And perhaps you’re thinking, why should I watch your movie?
Kelley Eskridge
Oct 15, 2017
OtherLife comes to Netflix Oct 15
OtherLife comes to Netflix Oct 15
I’m thrilled to announce that Netflix will stream OtherLife worldwide beginning October 15.
Kelley Eskridge
Oct 9, 2017
The Big Screen
The Big Screen
I traveled to San Diego for the North American premiere of OtherLife at the San Diego International Film Festival, to see the film screened…
Kelley Eskridge
Oct 7, 2017
OtherLife North American Premiere — San Diego Film Festival, Oct 5
OtherLife North American Premiere — San Diego Film Festival, Oct 5
I am counting down to the North American premiere of OtherLife in San Diego on Thursday Oct 5 at 8:00 PM. The chance to see the film on a…
Kelley Eskridge
Oct 3, 2017
Where I’m learning right now
Where I’m learning right now
I’ve spent a lot of time over the years shopping for film and television writing coaching. I’ve taken workshops, I’ve had professional…
Kelley Eskridge
May 27, 2017
OtherLife will premiere at the Sydney Film Festival
OtherLife will premiere at the Sydney Film Festival
OtherLife will premiere at the Sydney Film Festival in June!
Kelley Eskridge
May 19, 2017
Faking it is a bullshit way to become a pro writer
Faking it is a bullshit way to become a pro writer
One of the biggest mistakes I made as a brand-new screenwriter with a real project at stake was that I was afraid to ask questions about my…
Kelley Eskridge
Dec 1, 2016
Development hell
Development hell
Think of development hell as an infinite spin cycle. You are going to the Best Party Ever as soon as your laundry is done. Your amazingly…
Kelley Eskridge
Jun 6, 2016
The 4 AM Blind Panic Just Keep Swimming Blues
The 4 AM Blind Panic Just Keep Swimming Blues
Kelley Eskridge
Apr 26, 2016
Would you do it for a dollar?
Would you do it for a dollar?
I came up in pre-internet publishing. I built my fiction career one painstakingly white-out-corrected typed story and SASE(1) at a time…
Kelley Eskridge
Feb 29, 2016
The power of no
The power of no
When someone in the film business wants to adapt a novel, they start by asking the writer or her agent if the film rights are available…
Kelley Eskridge
Feb 15, 2016
Drink and have feelz
Drink and have feelz
I never believed my novel Solitaire would be optioned for film. The book is not a good fit for a faithful adaptation. It’s an…
Kelley Eskridge
Jan 31, 2016
The OtherLife Journals
The OtherLife Journals
I’ve been waiting — for years — to write about the journey of my film OtherLife.
Kelley Eskridge
Jan 18, 2016
About The OtherLife Journals
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