Who We Are and What We Believe In

Reinventure Fund
Riding The Ouroboros
3 min readMay 4, 2018

2018 has been a year of change for Reinventure, with some team members moving on, some returning from leave and some new members coming on board all in the space of a few months! We also recently celebrated our 20th portfolio investment across two $50m funds, after four years of operation. For all these reasons, and as we look towards Fund 3, it felt like the right time to take stock of where we’re at as a company, what we represent to our founders and what we all personally live and breathe.

Reinventure album cover 2018 (See: We’re quick to laugh…)

The result of this reflection is a mission and set of values the team is proud to represent, and one that our portfolio founders have found true in their experience of being part of our family. We play a unique role in market as a corporate venture capital fund that, through our independent structure, is truly founder-centric in its approach to deal-making, but we have a bold vision for what is possible when the disruptive nature of a startup can be combined with the power of a globally significant financial institution. We look forward to continuing to back the exceptional people who are on this journey with us.


Pioneering Founder-First Corporate Venture Capital

We champion founders who have the vision, ambition and hustle to transform an industry across Asia-Pacific and beyond, propelling them with the support of a top 20 bank globally.


We keep it super real

We don’t mince our words and we call BS, but we also take responsibility for our emotional wake. We give founders and each other honest feedback with as much care and courage as possible.

We stay curious

We know it’s not enough to be right, we have to be non-consensus. We stand on the shoulders of giant thought-leaders and use our own insights and pattern recognition to reach higher and see further into the future.

We act with high conviction

We lead. We are thesis and gut driven investors. If we buy you and your vision we’ll be your biggest champion.

We pay it forward

We invest in our ecosystem and in founders at large because we know that a rising tide floats all boats, and good will and good deeds pay back. We do our best to leave every founder we encounter with something valuable.

We’re tribal

We value deep relationships over wide networks. We assume the best of people and put relationships first, yet understand that when we challenge and hold people accountable we create the opportunity to go deeper. We know a culture is precious and we take care to protect it.

We value substance over form

We don’t care when you arrive or what you wear, we care if you’re having an impact. We’re hungry for the truth … of whether a thesis holds water, who founders really are and what are our true motivations. We care what impact we’re having on the world.

We’re quick to laugh

Work can be stressful. Something is always blowing up. Many a true word is said in jest. You have to laugh… and sometimes dance.

We believe in the power of unreasonable people

Unreasonable people change the world. They ask for forgiveness not permission and accept the consequences of their actions. It takes guts, and they are our people.

We love hearing from people who align with these values and could be catapulted forward by our mission — get in touch at info@reinventure.com.au

