
Sameer Vasta
The outbox.
Published in
1 min readJan 27, 2015

This is the third time I’ve come down with a cough this winter. The first time was fairly rough and lasted about two weeks. The second time was short and felt more like a simple throat irritation. I have no clue how this one will turn out — it’s not looking positive so far — but whichever way it goes, three times in one season (and there are still a few more months to go) is two times too many.

I wonder if there is something wrong my immune system, or perhaps this is a remnant of the horrible asthma I had as a child. Perhaps I need to do a better job of avoiding people who sneeze at work or on the streetcar. All I know is that my throat feels like it is on fire and this cough is loud enough to wake the neighbors.

So now, I sip tea and take Advil and watch the gorgeous sunset outside my window. The fiery sky doesn’t alleviate my pain, but it makes it much more pleasant to be home.


Some fun videos of muppets covering iconic hip hop songs for this cold and snowy day:

