Over speeding, over spending, over…..but not out!

Pravin Shekar
The Outlier Marketer
2 min readSep 7, 2020


The Iron Cowboys dragged their hindquarters and the rest of their bodies through hours and days of gruelling torture. The World’s most challenging race was held in Fiji, and the series is available on Amazon Prime.

The protagonists, Iron Cowboys, wanted to complete the race. They paced themselves well, yet the trail left some of them crying, grumbling.

Yet they chipped away, resolute: facing injury, hypothermia, heatstroke, cut, bruise, blister, chafe, fall, slip, slide.

They got lost and found their way by following a competitor!

That little devil inside each of them kept asking them to give up at every stage, near every camp. The Iron Cowboys persevered until the final stretch when they had the wind behind their back. The tasks involved only mountain biking, paddle boarding, and canoeing.

All of these were areas they were super strong!

Biking downhill. After days of struggling through clay-like mud, this was manna. And they wanted to catch up for the lost time. Down they went, pedaling furiously.

A couple of them extended the lead and were practically flying. And whatever happens with flying happened to one.

One Cowboy landed and not very nicely. Broken ribs, broken tooth, bleeding and maybe a concussion as well.

After days of struggling and so close to the finishing line, the race was over for the Iron Cowboys.

They rolled on way too fast. Since one teammate was out of commission due to a crash, the race was over for them.

Is there a lesson for all of us? Is there marketing somewhere here?

When the control is in our hands, speeding up and down is something we need to be cognizant of.

When we speed up marketing, do we have the operations engine aligned? Are we bringing in sales, but orders are hanging unserviced?

Or shipping out a lot of products but not having the customer service in place?

Iron Cowboys. A great team that demonstrated grit and showed us the perils of over speeding (overspending) when the race is not over.

For an entrepreneur, is the race ever over?

Pravin Shekar is an outlier marketer, parallel entrepreneur and a raconteur.

mic @ .

Pravin is the author of seven books: Devil Does Care, Marketing lessons from Mythology, Getting paid to speak, a Virtual Summit Playbook, Climb your way out of hell & a collection of travel pics/romantic poems, and stories from the heart!

#Marketing #Entrepreneur #Awareness #Strategy #Outlier #Outliermarketing #micromarketer #idea #tribe #Books #krux108 #PravinShekar #OutlierPravin

