For answers, directions, solutions!

Pravin Shekar
The Outlier Marketer
3 min readJan 7, 2023





When the world moves one way, we’ve got to move another.
What to do then, when it doesn’t move at all?

It’s time to look within, without and all around. The answer as always, lies inside, accessible.
This isn’t another positive note. But a fact!

Like our search for our glasses, when it’s on our head all the time.
We look around externally, when it’s all intrinsic.

What do we do when all that’s got to be done,
seems to be done already, by someone else.

Should I switch careers or do that pivot?
Can someone tell me now, or am I that someone now?

You am I, I am you!

We’re in this together.

When I look at the past, and within, I find so much has been done.
So many snippets, activities, achievements, so much to repurpose and share back

Who are we, but a sower of seeds, of life, and hope, for those who listen?
I need to sow it for myself then, as I am a knowledge disseminator.

Speaker, trainer, coach and author, our job has been to help others.
As we plan for their future, aren’t we planning for us as well?

Books, courses and webinars; audits, ideation and solutions,
Support groups and shoulder giving, options ahead are aplenty.

We know not how tomorrow will be, but imagine, YES, we can.
The wind has no fences and an ocean no borders!

The future will be a curve as with all things economic and perhaps just out of my understanding reach, as with you.

The number to think of is four, as options and alphabets, the scenarios that lie in front of us.

Hunky dory is the V, where tomorrow normalcy returns.
When it comes albeit slower, you are staring at a U.

Up and down like a see saw W.
Or a straight drive into Hell, with L!

Plan for each, so we know the moves
Plan for the L, as that’s the base, to get out of hell.

Explore, Experiment, Endure, as we live to fight another day.
Digging out our hidden strengths.

Plotting our own new path,
as the world in front is raw, uncharted.

The fresh start that we always wanted, here it is.
To do things any which way we can.

As the old saying goes:

If I am not for myself,

who else is for me?

If I am for myself alone,

what am I for?

Be different.

Be you.

The solutions lie within!

Pravin Shekar is an outlier marketer and a raconteur.

For unconventional ideas, write to Outlier AT PravinShekar.com

For creative collusions, join: http://bit.ly/JoinMyOutlierTribe

Pravin is the author of multiple books: http://tiny.cc/PravinShekarBooks

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