A healthcare marketing journey : Episode 2

Adithya A
The Outlier Marketer
3 min readJul 1, 2020


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Cisco’s Visual Networking Index conducted a study that claims, by 2022, more than 80% of online traffic will consist of video content. Healthcare businesses should capitalise this phenomenal growth of video content by tailoring Video Marketing strategies.

Video Marketing helps marketers to build trust and to create awareness about their business. Video content generates a high level of customer engagement compared to any other forms of content like blog posts. Videos are more shareable, and a customer is more likely to share a video than other types of content.

Video content substantially increases your google search rank. YouTube has become a search engine used more that drives maximum traffic after google, and healthcare businesses should leverage on this. Video is a more personal form of engaging with customers. Some video marketing ideas are

● Videos about Doctor Profile

● Educate Patients about Medical Procedures

● Patient Testimonies

1.Videos about the doctor profile help patients understand more about the doctor’s expertise, and they can connect better with the doctors. Patients are in need to know the doctors before consulting them, and this helps them to gain trust.

A short introductory video or a Q&A type of video, which is less formal and also focusing on the passion towards healthcare could be very effective in connecting with customers.

2.Educating patients about medical procedures through videos is another important because 56% of internet users learn about medical procedures. When the organisation can solve all the doubts that may arise in the mind of the customers about a specific medical procedure, it enhances the confidence of the patient.

The customers do not have to go and browse through to learn about the information; they will have a visual format they can view and understand which is created by the organisation. This results in good rapport building.

3.Patient Testimonials are the best way to promote your services. Success stories bring an emotional level connection with potential customers. Empowering the patients to share their story of how the organisation helped them can add a lot of value in terms of marketing. It helps to gain the trust of the potential customers; subsequently, the organisation has better conversion rates.

Max Healthcare published the testimonial video below, which aids its reach by storytelling through videos.

Video Marketing is not new to the healthcare industry. Many healthcare organisations have deployed video marketing strategies, and one excellent example would be Mayo Clinic.

Mayo Clinic created a series of short videos which were not over a minute and addressed medical problems and their solutions. This is an outstanding video marketing campaign which led to very high customer engagement. What Mayo Clinic did was simple; they educated people about the medical problems in a crisp manner.

Healthcare is a continually evolving industry, and it is crucial to adopt the current marketing trends. Video Marketing plays a pivotal role in building trust, and healthcare companies need to prioritise video marketing as one of their chief marketing strategies.

So let’s start filming !!!!

Adithya is the host for the Branding and Patient Experience Summit for Doctors

He is the creative lead for this summit. Adithya has worked on several market research studies with doctors across India. Being an operations guy wants to explore and learn new things always. ,

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