The Odyssey Chronicles

Foreword — Meeting the actors.


Captain Jaxon Freeman — image created using Fotor AI

Before I begin telling the tale that is currently being written, I want to give you, the readers, some background information. Be warned, this is a tale of outliers. One character is Black, another is Latino, one is a lesbian, one is autistic, and one is Native American. I guess one could call the story as being all about inclusion.

Within the spaceship, a closed environment, clothing isn’t worn. Clothing produces fine fibres that clog air filters [think of the lint which collects when you dry clothes in a clothes dryer]. Clothes require washing which uses the very limited water resources of a spaceship on a decade long journey. Privacy in a tight environment is very limited. Heinlein used this reasoning in a number of his space adventure tales. If you think about it, it all makes sense. An irrational phobia about nudity has no place in a spaceship on a long journey.

Now, about these five protagonists who appeared in the prologue. I want you to meet them. Think of this as a program you get before you begin watching a live theatre production.

The captain of the Odyssey is Jaxon Freeman. Jaxon is a young black man in his early thirties with a commanding presence. He has a tall, athletic build, and his skin is a rich ebony. His eyes are a deep brown. His hair is short and neatly cropped. And he sports a well-groomed beard. To be honest, he is a cross between my son and one of my grandsons in appearance. Yeah, not too original.

Jaxon isn’t a naturist or nudist, nor are any of the characters in this story. The environment of the ship requires him and the others to be open-minded about nudity.

Jaxon’s left arm is covered in a sleeve of intricate tattoos depicting his journey from a troubled youth to a respected leader. He was a wild child who gave his parents no end of trouble. The sleeve includes images of a broken chain, and a phoenix. He also has a compass rose on his chest, an image which marked that point in his life when he decided to change his life following the suicide of a close friend in high school.

It helped that his parents were there for him aFt that critical point in his life. The change had him excel in school and joined the space program via the Navy which had the best space program. His natural leadership abilities quickly propelled him through the ranks, eventually leading to his selection as the captain of the Odyssey.

Navigator Layla Martinez — image created using Fotor AI

Layla Martinez is a Latina woman in her late twenties with a slender yet strong build. She has long, dark hair which is often tied back in a practical braid. Her brown eyes are sharp and observant. Her skin is a warm tan, and she carries herself with a confident grace.

Layla’s back features a collection of constellations representing her love for the stars and her expertise in stellar cartography. A phoenix rising from flames is seen on her left shoulder. It symbolizes her resilience and rebirth after personal struggles. Additionally, she has a small, discreet pride flag tattoo on her ankle, celebrating her identity as a proud lesbian.

Dr. Clara Collins — image created using Fotor AI

Dr. Clara Collins is a woman in her early thirties. with a nurturing presence She has wavy auburn hair that falls to her shoulders and bright blue eyes. Her complexion is fair, with a few freckles dotting her cheeks.

Clara’s body is adorned with botanical designs, leaves, and flowers intertwining in a celebration of life and healing. Her right wrist has a delicate vine that she often traces with her fingers when deep in thought. A stylized caduceus is tattooed on her left forearm.

Clara’s compassionate nature and maternal instinct make her the heart of the crew. She is always ready to heal both physical and emotional wounds.

Engineer Kai Tanaka — image created using Fotor AI

Kai Tanaka is an Asian man in his late twenties with a quiet demeanor. He has a lean, wiry build and short black hair that he keeps neatly trimmed. His dark eyes are often focused on some intricate piece of machinery, reflecting his intense concentration.

Kai’s tattoos are geometric patterns and circuit designs, a reflection of his brilliant mind and his affinity for technology. Kai has always been more comfortable with machines than with people.

Diagnosed with autism at a young age, he found solace in the predictable and logical world of engineering. His exceptional skills and innovative thinking quickly set him apart in the space program. Despite his introverted nature, Kai is deeply loyal to his crew mates.

Defense Officer Dakota Sky — image created using Fotor AI

Dakota is a Native American man in his early thirties with a strong, imposing build. He has long, black hair that he often wears in a single braid, and his dark eyes are keen and vigilant.

His bronze skin is etched with the symbols of his heritage. A bear paw on his chest symbolizes his role as the guardian of the crew. An eagle soars across his back with a wolf tattooed on his right arm.

As the ship’s defense officer, Dakota is responsible for ensuring the safety of the crew and the ship. His protective nature and strategic mind make him a formidable presence on the Odyssey.

There will be other characters making appearances throughout the acts and scenes to follow as these five make their way across the known and unknown star systems and constellations.


I want to thank

for publishing the story The Odyssey Chronicles, in her publication called The Lark. I encourage you to visit the pub and read some of the great stories and poetry to be found there such as these mentioned below:



René Beauchemin - [he/him]
The Outliers — A Home For Misfits

I am not who I appear to be. As a naturist, I can be seen clothing-free. As humans we need to be honest with who we are beneath persona and camouflage.