Conversations that Matter

Roy H Adams
The Overlap
Published in
2 min readNov 1, 2016

Greetings Overlap community,

I’ve been reflecting on my experiences and relationships through Overlap remembering the many wonderful conversations and people that changed the trajectory of my thinking and life. I value the opportunity to share in the life stories and journeys of many of you as I got to know you at an Overlap event or in linking up with you for coffee or dinner on occasion. Those conversations have been rich in connection and rich in content.

But I have a challenge. There are so many of you I don’t know that I want to get to know. I want to learn more about you and your life journey. I want to understand the passions and desires you have that impact the world at large. I want to learn from your successes and your failures…I know that’s a tall task. But I’m willing to try something and see what happens.

So I’m going to do something way out of my comfort zone…I’m going to launch a podcast, OverlapRadio, that would allow me to have conversations that matter with you. I’ve never done anything like that before, but I’m willing to try, because I think I’m not alone. I believe you want to know more about each other, more about each other’s story, and more about how we can help each other’s journey. And hopefully, people in our societies and communities will see our example and continue to grow and nurture real conversations that matter. Conversations that lead to real change for the betterment of the human condition.

So, please take a moment and fill out a short survey to let me know if you’d like to be a part of this crazy idea. I believe we can be agents of change by having one meaningful conversation at a time.

Anyone interested?

Survey Link


Roy Adams (Overlap Risk, Overlap Play)

