The Bones of A Traveler

Travel Memories: When Experiences Live With You

Leana Hardgrave
The Overweight Adventurer
2 min readSep 6, 2020


Looking to the horizon — remembering a trip around the world (photo by author)

I’ve breathed the air of places off the edge of most maps. I’ve worn the dirt of many countries in my shoes and on my clothes. I’ve heard the sounds of impossibly quiet and raucously loud nature around the globe.

I’ve tasted delicious foods and had meals that turned my stomach. I have chipped bones, sun-weathered skin, scars from insect bites and adventures, and eyes that have seen more than I could ever describe.

I’ve stood atop fortresses with dark pasts and explored palaces filled with opulence and wealth. I’ve danced with princes and slept on straw mats and used bags of beans for pillows. I’ve seen 30 foot waves toss my ship about and then spent days at sea where the ocean was as smooth as glass. I’ve traveled by car, train, tuk tuk, helicopter, kayak, bus, sailboat, elephant, camel caravan, plane, and everything in between. I’ve had breakfast with Archbishop Tutu and dined on chicken bones with a family in a Ghanaian village. I’ve swum with dolphins, sharks, manta rays, and sea turtles, and been a perch for hawks, falcons, and giant snakes. I’ve dived to the ocean floor and climbed above the clouds.

I may not have been to the end of the earth, but I’m pretty sure you could have seen it from the places I’ve been.

The world is full of incredible adventures and they are ALL available to you — if you choose to go.

Whenever the weight of the world is crashing down on you, remember that you can choose an adventure whenever you want. And once you’ve chosen adventure, it will be with you forever because no one can ever take your memories away from you.

Leana’s an avid world traveler who has been to over 40 countries and will be venturing to her 7th continent in 2022. She believes in ubuntu and that adventures make life worth living. To follow her journey as a plus-sized woman with unquenchable wanderlust as she continues to seek out all that the world has to offer, you can check out The Overweight Adventurer.



Leana Hardgrave
The Overweight Adventurer

As an avid traveler and explorer, I’ve been humbled and inspired by so much of the world. I try to share the beauty of the world with you through my stories.