3 Songs for the Soul

Newsletter #14

Akshay Gajria
Missives from an Island
3 min readJun 17, 2021


I had a whole different newsletter written and ready to be sent. But just yesterday, I sat down and wrote this. Changed it all up. Why? On a whim. But I think this one matters to me more than what I had planned.

I am a firm believer of this quote:

A good captain discards the plan to set the sails according to the whims of the winds.

(I don’t remember where I’d read it or who had written it. If you do, please let me know.)

Anyway, while the other newsletter will find a way to you one day, today I’m recommending three songs that have helped me get by. Last month was difficult at best with the unending pandemic, this god-awful government, a freaking storm, and this melting heat in Bombay. But these songs kept me afloat.

Here they are —

1. Dastaan by Tajdar Junaid

Oh, the melody of this song. It reminds me of The Last of Us 2, especially the opening strands. It’s similar to the sound track. But once you get into the song, that changes. It’s a very simple piece, which…

