Post MBA: Seven Month Update

Rohit Eddy
The Oxford Comma
Published in
2 min readApr 16, 2015

It has been a fairly long time since I have posted here, but I definitely did not want to sign off without giving readers a quick update on my personal situation. I had a couple of job leads from Silicon MilkRoundabout that I converted into interviews where I performed quite well. However, in the end, both companies were unable to sponsor me for a visa and I had to return to India in February after working for one of these companies for two months until my visa expired. I definitely would have liked to work in London for awhile, but it is hard for smaller companies to navigate the visa process and you definitely do not get enough time after graduation for the job search as the hiring process pretty much shuts down in December. I have however made the transition in role that I was hoping to get out of the MBA as I found a job as a Product Manager at a rapidly growing technology company in India.

I have received a few requests for an update to the career statistics for Indian students (without work authorization) that I posted back in November. The same caveats and limitations that I referenced in that post apply here as well. In addition, as I relied a lot on LinkedIn and since I know many students have not yet updated their LinkedIn profiles, I have tried to verify their job status through other sources. In many cases I was unable to do so and hence I added these to the “Not Sure” category.

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These numbers are just a rough indicator. Please do not make a decision on whether to attend Oxford based on them alone. Make sure you contact alums who are in jobs that you aspire to be in and ask them for advice. In addition, the school should be releasing their official career report soon so keep an eye out for that as well.

I don’t really have any concrete plans for this blog going forward, so please feel free to leave comments on what I should write about. One thought I had was to maybe interview classmates who found jobs in the UK on their job search strategies. Once I have more work experience, I may also do a post on how the MBA in helping/hurting me in my role as PM.

