The Color Black — Meanings, Uses, And More

Un-Traditional Mother
The Pagan Publication
2 min readJan 29, 2024


Created By Author Using Canva

The color black is one of the most popular colors in fashion and decor. Something about black has always given us a sense of comfort and power. As we dig deeper into finding out why it’s also important to note that block isn’t even technically a color; technically, it is the absorption of all colors at once, which is why you won’t find black on the color wheel anywhere.

As with any color, black can invoke different associations for different people. Some may find black comforting, while others find it depressing. Like anything else, it is up to you to fully determine what black means to you and how comfortable you are using it. There are many different options for the substitution of black depending on your needs, and your intention is far more powerful than any color (or non-color 😉).

The Metaphysical Associations for the Color Black

Here are some of the commonly known metaphysical properties of black. Of course, the positive and negative associations with the black can be pervasive, so I am doing my best to make a complete guide. Keep in mind; I may have missed something!

Positive Associations For Black

  • Elegance
  • Power
  • Grounding



Un-Traditional Mother
The Pagan Publication

As a Mother, a Writer, a Pagan, a Wife, a Lover of Nature, and so much more, my heart started telling me I need to share my story. so here I am!