America’s Magic Touch

Sweetheart’s Note
2 min readMar 3, 2014


America’s Magic Touch!

October 1, 2011 at 1:23pm

United states of america is been one of the most powerful country and rich at the same time,no wonder each and everyaspect of americas part seems the greatest dream ,world wide ,it was even said , that it was the land of opportunity,and it was even the center of entertainment of the world..Hollywood is been one of the greatest dream for every entertainer world wide..Countless movie artists, movies, made biggest names in the world because of hollywood’s touch..Sometimes even just a simple person but when the magic of America touches you the whole world will surely recognize you..Aside from those ,their sense in the fashion industry adds an additional fame for this country ..Hair styles,gowns,cosmetics,shoes, perfumes,often the top pick trends world wide..Their Music industry which almost all of the hottest and famous singer coming from this country,which almost the world never fails to follow ..It was quite indeed America’s magic touch can really make a big influence,a big change not just in one single life but world wide as well, And when America started to suffer,no wonder almost the whole world will starts to get in trouble too..Because of their world wide investments..The best thing about their country success, is not only the name of their country but their sharing it with their people.All American citizen were truly been treated like a king and queen every where they go..Simple,rich,black and white, were all been treated with pride and gratitude..And i guess America have nothing to ask for more..Because it seems like almost all of the latest trends, the finest stuff name it and theyve got it..And no wonder everytime they touch one’s life,one nation, the whole world will surely recognize..It ..And of all the best and the finest thing that they have .. One of their great attitude Is they know how to share it ,..And they know how to give back..

