Cursed With Pain?

Sandra M Urquhart
The Pain Manifesto
Published in
7 min readFeb 6, 2018

There are people who seem to have an endless list of pain problems. It seems like they have what many people refer to as bad luck. Personally, I don’t believe in luck. Here’s why. It is defined as…

  1. the force that seems to operate for good or ill in a person’s life, as in shaping circumstances, events, or opportunities: With my luck I’ll probably get pneumonia.
  2. good fortune; advantage or success, considered as the result of chance: He had no luck finding work.
  3. a combination of circumstances, events, etc., operating by chance to bring good or ill to a person: She’s had nothing but bad luck all year.
  4. some object on which good fortune is supposed to depend: This rabbit’s foot is my luck.

I don’t believe in luck, because it’s based on an unknown force. This concept operates by chance.

This means that if I believed this, I would also believe that I possess no personal power of my own; that I am incapable of directing the course of my life towards my God given purpose.

Believing in luck absolves me of all responsibility, and says that no matter how hard I work, or, if I fail to work towards any pursuit or goal; I have no control over the outcomes of my efforts. This breeds an attitude of “I can’t” quitters who expect to get results without anything more than perfunctory effort.

Believing in luck gives me a false expectation of worth; wherein, if things that seem good happen to me; it’s because I am somehow deserving. But, if things that I perceive as bad happen; I deserve them because I’m unworthy.

Believing or trusting in the randomness of luck lets me off the hook for being responsible for my own decisions and life; as well as being responsible for the outcomes of those decisions, especially if those decisions eventually result in pain.

It’s all a perception issue. People want to believe that they have nothing to do with outcomes that are harmful to them, or unfortunate or stressful or that cause them pain. Unless otherwise stated, the quoted statements all come from comments I saw on this article:

“I moved into a different house 5 years ago. One month after moving in I became very ill for a year and a half…”

We don’t know what predicated this move. It could have been the result of a very rushed decision, based on problems in a relationship, change of employment or some other uncomfortable change that wasn’t acceptable to this individual.

The fact that this person became ill only one month after moving into this house says that either this person was not really happy with the decision to move; or that the house itself had either mold or lead paint.

Either of those house-related conditions would not likely to have caused such an immediate problem in the individual’s physical constitution; unless there was a pre-existing condition that was exacerbated by conditions like that, or unless this hidden problem was rampantly out of control.

In such a case, I would tend to think it would be noticeable during the house inspection prior to purchase; and possibly by smell.

“…When that was finally gone, I fell off a 2 step ladder and severely fractured my wrist. When I fell I flew about 5 ft and stopped only because I slammed into a wall. Much later I was in that very same spot and fell off the ladder again. That area is still unpainted.”

This could have been a real accident, or a case of clumsiness. However, it is apparent that in the mind of this individual, that spot became unlucky.

It became a designated area where he or she was more likely to get injured or suffer in some way. It’s almost as if this person hexed this spot themselves by what they believed about it.

“…To summarize, since I’ve lived here, the entire time I have been either very ill or injured. I have developed so many illnesses I have to keep a list because I can’t remember them all.

I have fallen through cement steps, fallen up & down stairs more than imaginable, my relationship with anyone no longer exists, I’m broke financially, the latest 2 things, that same ladder slipped from under me and I ended up with 3 fractured ribs.

Now I need to move and that in itself is another story. I do a lot of research though don’t know how to change this. Things just keep getting worse.”

First, how does one fall up stairs?

Again, this is clearly an issue of perspective. This person has convinced themselves that this house is cursed. He/she is keeping track of illnesses and injuries that are being attributed to the “cursed” house.

They’ve also convinced themselves that they are cursed. Note the subsequent isolation. This is a prime candidate for depression, and most certainly for more pain.

The problem is an unwillingness to face the fact that an unthought out, perhaps rushed decision was made to move there. Due to the unhappiness with that decision, and the lack of responsibility accepted for it; this individual has found an object in which to place the blame…the house.

Instead of acknowledging a bad decision, this person continued to let the situation deteriorate into a circumstance wherein moving is now no longer a choice. It has become an act of desperation.

The situation keeps getting worse, and more painful, because of the refusal to acknowledge responsibility. This person chooses to cling to the idea that it is just a string of “bad luck.” They cannot correct the problem, because they have not acknowledged their part in creating the problem.

“I have felt like my own family have placed curses on me. Curses of me not to marry, have friends, success etc. I didn’t realise that because of their imposed guilt on me like their mistreatment was my fault, I have let curses happen to me unconsciously because I felt guilty for going no contact with them.”

This is example is clear. The pain of this person is the result of imposed guilt. It was imposed by their family, and then self imposed as well. How it manifests in their body remains to be seen.

“I believe in curses. I had a necklace that had brought pain, suffering, and depression. I have survived 4 pretty bad car accidents, a bad relationship to someone I really loved, a miscarriage, couldn’t get into nursing school, couldn’t find a job after I got my CNA, and I got into an abusive relationship with someone.

I don’t why this necklace was cursed or who cursed it, but nobody should ever wish anything like that on anybody. Life is already tough enough let alone throwing things into the mix to make it harder. It came from my step mom and I still wonder who cursed it or gave it to her.”

Prov 18:7 A fool’s mouth is his devastation, and his lips are a trap for his life.

This woman’s statement immediately indicates the reason for all the “cursed” events that happened to her. She believes in curses.

Curses bring pain, suffering, and depression; exactly what she described, and this is what she chooses to believe in; and in so doing, invite into her life.

Whether she believes the source of it is the necklace, or some other object; it is her belief that brought the hardships that she faced.

She can’t even see a blessing in her situations, despite the fact that she survived 4 bad accidents. She’s still here, but because of her warped perspective, she’s not recognizing that she was saved from death.

If she continues to place faith in curses, it will continue to cause her pain and/or disease.

“I left my marriage for another man. I didn’t handle it right and in retrospect needed an out, but I still felt guilty.

I always felt that someone was sending me bad vibes, and after quite a few years my ex told me that he had put in a lot of energy resenting me and wishing me doom and gloom.”

In the case of this woman, guilt was plaguing her because she knew she had done wrong. She felt the bad vibes of resentment from her ex; but her own guilt probably magnified those vibes. Vibrations can create healing or cause sickness, depending on the nature of the vibrations.

Energy vibrates all around us; in and through us. We have the capability to direct that energy based on our choices; based on what we choose to believe. The energy can either create more life for us, or form death in our situations and in our path.

“Curses don’t work. We are the ones who have a great deal of power to affect the course of our own lives, through our actions, habits and words.

We co-create our reality with God and our souls. And when we tune in to our intuition to co-create consciously, we can magnify that power.”

“That is really the key here — curses can only affect you if you believe they can OR if you believe you deserve the curse.”

Sandra M. Urquhart is Child of God, Single mom, Author, Writer, and Gifted Massage Therapist — known as The Muscle Whizperer. You can follow her on both Facebook and Twitter @CrossOfPain.



Sandra M Urquhart
The Pain Manifesto

Entrepreneur; LMT — Medical Bodyworker — expertise: Pain Patterns & unlocking muscle; Writer, Lover of Christ & Mother of one.