The Pain Of Malice

Sandra M Urquhart
The Pain Manifesto
Published in
8 min readFeb 4, 2018

Do We Eat Pain?

Proverbs 18:20 From the fruit of a person’s mouth his stomach is satisfied; he is filled with the product of his lips.

What does this mean? The origin of the words we speak come from our thoughts. Our thoughts are derived from our beliefs. Our character is a derivative of our thoughts.

We speak from within; what our beliefs are reflects in our thoughts and character, and subsequent actions.

That is why a person who speaks ill of someone else is only reflecting who he or she truly is. It is not a reflection on the other person, even though it may seem as if it is.

“I once read for a lady who had curse energy in her auric field. It came from an ex-partner of hers she had been with in her twenties, who was a violent and angry person. She had a terrible time with him and put up with all kinds of abuse, but had managed to escape from the relationship, healed and had since remarried.
Life was good for her. She was content in her personal life and really successful in her career. He, on the other hand, was still in an angry place, and had been sending malicious energy her way.”

When someone sends the energy of malice towards another, it’s like a boomerang.

The only way that other person’s malice will affect you, is if you heard, or saw evidence of it, and believed it.

In other words, if you believed that person had just cause for their anger, and that you deserved it; if you were plagued by guilt, then your body will receive their malice, and it will hit your cells just as effectively as if they had shot or fed you with poison.

Shield of Protection

If you are the person carrying the malice towards another person, and they either are not guilty of what you are blaming them for, or they have forgiven and moved on in their life; then your negative energy is wasted in two ways.

Not only are they not going to be affected by your lack of personal responsibility, or your personal ire towards them (they may not even be conscious of it); but their non-belief acts as a shield from which that negative energy you are projecting will bounce back.

Aside from the bounce back; your own body will be ingesting that negative energy, because every time you think of that person or circumstance and get angry; your muscles and every cell is reacting.

They are constantly over-contracting, and there is no rest for them, because you have no peace about the situation. You have not forgiven that person, or that situation for the harm you believe it caused to you.

Excessive contracture causes tension, stress, and the manifestation of pain in a variety of forms. Excessive contraction causes muscles and joints to harden and lock up; prohibiting full range of motion, and limiting your life tremendously.

You may not see the effects of this immediately, but trust me when I say, you will see it eventually. At that point, you will most likely have forgotten your current ire, and not even realized that that illwill had anything to do with your current pain.

This kind of negative energy directly attacks both the liver and the stomach. I’m living proof.

The Effects of Anger

Several years ago, when I was a postal worker, I saw the effects of this directly. The people I worked with were not like any I had ever worked with.

They were a malicious lot, and I was unaccustomed to being around people like this. The gossiping and jealous backbiting was ridiculous. I could tell you some stories, believe me.

The management there was really horrible as well. These are some of the main factors that set up the type of situations that coin the familiar terminology of “Going postal.”

As a result, I was under constant attack by both my coworkers and the horrible management.

At first, I would come home crying. I was only 19 when I started working there, and my parents thought my hair would turn gray from the stress.

After a while, I had to learn to toughen up. I had to become harder. When you allow yourself to get “hard,” like Rihanna talks about in her song; you are putting up a wall of defense.

This means communication is breaking down; and walls of protection are going up. You are prepared to fight; and if you are in an environment wherein, you have to stay in a state of readiness to fight or defend yourself; you are in a stress situation.

In such an environment, every word said to you, and every action towards you is measured…analyzed by your brain for potential threats.

Whenever someone feels threatened, their body begins to react long before the actual threat makes an appearance. This means that muscles are tensing in preparation of defense, or flight.

This split second reaction from the brain is called Fight or Flight Syndrome; and is the result of Brain Central sending a message to the mini brains of your cells — the Neurons, telling them to get ready.

Those cellular mini brains then initiate cellularly, a position of defense…contraction. If this happens multiple times in your day; and you feel confronted, affronted, or challenged in any way that causes anxiety or fear; your muscles are tightening and hardening numerous times, and you are on your way to developing a serious pain problem.

Mind you, this is not the only way pain is manifesting in the body, but it is a very common way. There are multiple factors that cause pain.

I, myself, developed not only stomach problems, which were assisted into manifestation by my lifestyle as well; but furthermore, I developed severe pain in my front right side, under my ribs; which doctors said came from my liver.

This came at a time when I was experiencing both personal and professional turmoil. Frankly, the professional turmoil in that environment never stopped.

I had become a soldier (EEO rep) in the war for employee rights, so I was under constant attack.

In addition, I was going through a breakup and divorce. So on all fronts, I was being challenged, and not in a good way.

The stomach problems had already begun to manifest a little at that point, more than 10 years after I had started with the Postal Service.

By the time the separation and divorce situation began, I was a very angry camper. And, I had been angry for a long time.

As I mentioned, this happened several years ago. The additional factors that played a part in the stomach problems are a subject for another article; but this manifestation was definitely brought on by fear.

Since anger in all its forms is a manifestation of fear; it makes sense that I was having this related problem. At that time, there were moments when I could literally feel my stomach quaking; or the fluttery tremors of butterflies.

But the only thing my attackers saw was my refusal to back down. My attitude towards the management during that time of my life was, “If you take one step towards employees to harm them, I’m taking two steps back at you with my fist extended.”

Combative attitudes will always lead to pain — some way, somehow. It must manifest, and it most certainly will.

The pain from the liver was sharp, knife-carving pain. It cut through me, doubling me over, and stopping me in my tracks. Whenever it hit, I couldn’t move, could hardly breathe, and couldn’t pick up or carry my (then) two-year old child, even on my back. The pain was that intense.

Medical doctors said there was a cluster of unidentifiable cells in my liver. After going through X Rays, a Cat Scan, and a Liver and Spleen Scan, they did a Biopsy.

I had to hold my breath and be still while an extremely large needle, that could puncture my lungs; was shoved in between my ribs to capture a sample of these cells.

They were not malignant, but I believe that if I had continued on the path I was on; if I had stayed at the Post Office; those non-malignant cells would have turned malignant, in accordance to the anger I was already carrying with me.

Grace Under Fire

The blessing came when I got terminated. The thing I feared turned out to be what was best for me.

It was an illegal setup that I could have fought, but once free of that place, I had so much peace; I was so much more relaxed, that I felt like I had been freed from prison.

At first I was concerned about money issues, but God had everything lined up for me, and all I did was trust and believe, and step into it.

He had blessed me with that job when I had originally asked for it; and He set me free from it, upon my request as well. It didn’t happen the way I wanted, but it didn’t matter. I was free, and the release happened in a way that allowed me to go to school for free.

When my perspective changed, my environment changed, and subsequently, my life changed for the better.

Eventually, I forgave the people who had maligned and harassed me while working in the post office. I forgave the supervisors who discriminated against me as well.

However, several years later, I was still having some occasional pain from the liver, during times of extreme stress.

I sought out a natural doctor I knew. He was a Spirit filled chiropractor, and chemical specialist who had built his own laser, back when they were not as common as they are currently.

He gave me light. He had built two different Light lasers. One was a small room that you stood in, and the lasers were little lights on the all the walls and ceiling, that emanated all around you for a full-body, light treatment.

The second was a drum shaped laser attached to a crane-like arm, and could be placed over the body area for direct treatment. We did both, and the pain has been gone for quite some time now.

If you are suffering from pain, I recommend a few things.

  • Look For The Malignancy — Do you have ire towards anyone? Is there someone you have not forgiven? Is there a unfavorable habit, story, or family legend that has been passed on to you?
  • Change Your Perspective — Something you believed is resulting either in the malice you feel towards another, or the malice you feel towards yourself. Choose to believe the best about the situation.
  • Forgive — When you forgive, you let go. You are not giving an escape to the one who offended you. You give for yourself. You release the harm and guilt from yourself, so it will find its home where it belongs; in the person responsible for it.
  • Change Your Environment — Sometimes the thing you fear most is the very best, most beneficial thing for you; exactly what you need to live in peace with yourself, and with all people at all times. Don’t live in fear of lack, but trust that you are able to find a new path that will be more than sufficient to sustain your life. Seek and you shall find.

Sandra M. Urquhart is Child of God, Single mom, Author, Writer, and Gifted Massage Therapist — known as The Muscle Whizperer. You can follow her on both Facebook and Twitter @CrossOfPain.



Sandra M Urquhart
The Pain Manifesto

Entrepreneur; LMT — Medical Bodyworker — expertise: Pain Patterns & unlocking muscle; Writer, Lover of Christ & Mother of one.