
The Painter’s Almanach
3 min readMar 30, 2023




09:15 2018–07–14

- As I have repeated ceaselessly, I started an interdisciplinary art-research project called The History-Project, in the Summer of 2001; Here I will show two of the first “History-Paintings” that I made that summer, and will explain some aspects of the paintings;

First History-Painting. A.G. © 2001–2018. All Rights Reserved.

— Again, this was essentially the FIRST History-Painting that I made; There are three main features that make it a History-Painting in my book; One is the “Templates”, that are just polygons, “faces” if you will, that function like “windows” into History;
- The point of these early History-Paintings was to “paint the concept(s) of History”, and this is an example of what I got;

Showing Templates in History-Painting. A.G. © 2001–2018. All Rights Reserved.

- The painting also contains what I call “axes”; I found it important that my History-Paintings have Axes; It makes it so that it resembles a kind of “graph”; At the very least, that’s one of the effects I was going for; So the History-Painting has Templates as well as Axes;

Showing Axes in History-Painting. A.G. © 2001–2018. All Rights Reserved.

- The Axes are supposed to hold the whole thing together; But it’s important to know that BETWEEN the templates and amongst the Axes and so forth, there are “lines” if you will, that function as what I call CONDUITS; The Conduits are super important in the concept of History; The Templates too are important, as well as the Axes, as basic features of History-Paintings, but the Conduits are what puts it all together as a whole;

Showing Conduits in History-Painting. A.G. © 2001–2018. All Rights Reserved.

- I made another painting in the same period; The previous painting was mixed media on cardboard; The next painting, one of the first “official” History-Paintings was made with acrylic on canvas;

History-Painting. A.G. © 2001–2018. All Rights Reserved.

- This painting has the same features, the Templates, the Axes, and the Conduits, and I would go on to make over a hundred paintings like these;

Showing Templates in History-Painting. A.G. © 2001–2018. All Rights Reserved.

- The Templates are of utmost importance in all of my paintings in this style; They stand for “abstract objects”, or abstract “structures”; They could be seen and treated as “data types” if you wanted to; They are important in History, in the historical discourse, to me they stand for People, Places, and Things;

Showing Axes in History-Painting. A.G. © 2001–2018. All Rights Reserved.

- Here we have the Axes, as before; These are like “basis vectors”, making this a Cartesian coordinate plane, for that’s how I envisioned the History-Painting in the 21st century, as a form of graphic communication; Next of course, as before, we have the conduits, and these features are present in over a hundred paintings and drawings I made since the Summer of 2001;

Showing Conduits in History-Painting. A.G. © 2001–2018. All Rights Reserved.

- The “Conduits” are like “communication lines”, they are part of what makes these paintings look like Motherboards; That was also the point, I was playing with the “aesthetic” if you will of Integrated Circuits; To me integrated circuits, visually at least, make me think of History, of the concept(s) of History, which is what I was trying to paint back then;
- More to come…

A.G. © 2018–2023. All Rights Reserved.

