Historical Methodology of Curative Self-Presentation:

The Painter’s Almanach
5 min readMar 14, 2023
RADIO SILENCE by A.G. © 2023. All Rights Reserved.

Historical Methodology of Curative Self-Presentation:

Friday, February 28, 2003

2:59:50 PM

  1. Person. Person is a plastic being that endures. Person’s endurance is multilateral in its memoranda. Spaces pre-exist and person falls into them. Person is active and to who action is a falling-into insofar as necessity calls-for modal inhabiting, which is movement or the enactment of its habitance.
  2. Person is plastic and that ensures recurrences. The physiological matrix of person is remembrance secured in responses. To incur a debt to the spaces one falls-into in necessary occupation is the motor responsibility of plastic habitance. Habitance is the folly of recurrence in beings of plastic endurance and insists on responsive situation.
  3. To move or to be moved: person establishes translations across inhabited spaces as settlements of doing in possessive condensation or binomial, associative materialism. Faith is countercontrol mechanism for deterministic, serial conversion scenario. Person experiences memory in mobilisation through relational graph of divisive and directional sequencing.
  4. Person is concentrated projective Number in messenger-board of localising, conditional distribution. Person rides on modal fragment of constructive apparati whom mediate cyclical and prescriptive, combinatory oscillations in logonomic function of reiteration in filed ecstasies of moving Manners.
  5. Person is extracted temperature of operative procedure whose aesthetic multiplicity instructs manifold manipulation of granular habitat or elastic atmosphere speculating figures of orientation schedules. Dependency is a dialogic medium enclosing dispersive complexity of persecuted personality whose compositional and dynamic collection interacts in definitive displacement/replacement programs.
  6. Cluster is science of person whose experiential modality in creative execution organises variance of surface in spectral horizon of consolidated having. Person possesses and diversifies its measure of potential in the abstract across intervals whose integrity produces a technological emergence into and out of materiality. Person is indexed on table of tonic, intensive and rotational visitation in inverted transcript wherein negativity motivates archival territories into managerial resolution. Person in applied grids of transference co-operates with echo-district where scattering calculation layers transmissions of transacted analysis in lexical conceit of mutation in textural segment[ation]. Person [pre-]figures in manifest, circulatory influence of empathetic participation modelled after stability cadence of demand register.
  7. Target production logic and plastic aggregate realises grain of conjunctive code in object-specific circuitry and expository contract of appliance.
  8. To envision organic text of person is to diversify conference of contrasted market topicality in positional negotiation of exchange technique.
  9. Impression on plastic medium of reflexive acting modulates capacities in transient closure of embarkation status in zone of reference or so-called stadium of reading interfered. Associative program unit counterfeits usual formal motive capsulation deriving in limit protection of systematic assembly or disassembly. Motive function in plastic animal corroborates reflexive animation of possessive line intrinsically in trace of procedural orbit. Axis of oriented contact: person demonstrates commutative law and half-documents spatial capacity in periodic motion of unmanning. Deployment secures, then disperses media-foci in ecstasy of comparative transition. System employs captive fragment in channels operating affective surface tension. Physiologic stamp of graphic realism in complication. Redirection of assembly-line ritual-encounter in projected scan-path of modernised compression.
  10. Contextual and thematic invariance: person stipulates departure only to meet uneventful stasis in luring power of the same. Atomic personality: room-script tracing puncture of capacity, marked Number of passive return equation. Target variation: ellipsis into plastic reproduction, constitutive of decisive reading-faculty. Improvement: person succumbs to grain of habitance. Person as leftover. Person as executive recall.
  11. Theoretical work on person institutes conception-capacity to sacrifice elastic behavior in economic transposition of signifying edifice. Person housed in compliance: fever and transformation schedule. Chamber of security disassembled.
  12. Then self-reference. Automatic disposition of dispensable communities. Service of cataclysmic tendency. Closure in momentary condensation. Firmness attributed to anticipatory alliance with verbal connection aptitude. Situated reversal.
  13. Occupation furthers vocational space-identification and figures expression of vanity congress and circulatory tables matching constellation behavior. Orbital matrimony: participation orders scientific theatre and person collapses. Endearment here: designed to know death ceremoniously, to translate absence in serial calculus of field-focus as cycle represents formative-extensive knowledge. Documentary field-power revealed in situated morsel meetings orienting contractual habitance as systematic complication of intensive, elastic dimension. Plastic habitant mobilises and invents distraction. Distance of dialogic model to frequent iconic organ: textured spectrum attributes.
  14. Punctuated denial of hybrid experiment will letter body in avoidance of word-void: hence associative technique of modal numeration. Focal multiples will crowd instituted agency of reversal statements and disclose habituated consort of conservation agenda. This is the compacted record.
  15. Person reorients around difference whereby interval impresses in speculative creativity the onslaught of clustered and matrimonial verification adjunct. Supplicant appurtenance violates network attitude to puncture room line and Number, breaking motional validity of conflict agent. Negativity then resolves and cohesion-work recommences. This chamber is stratified inclination of horizon habit in regional and subtracted objectivity. Person requires only logonomic function, and passes in supplying self-presentation necessarily.
  16. Therefore, transferred association in reflexive, experiential affective collectionism equals creative concentration on design-line mediated remedially and absent fragment converts projective sustenance of invariant focal-echo in tonic and intensive enclosure so-called Anthem or Rhapsody. Anthem is also appendix of system ecstasy and revolves/resolves in periodic orbit of inherited Habitance and so forth. Therefore, field of silence and fetish theatre relaxes cluster-logic of matrimonial procedure-fabric whose tension transmitted charade of formal disorganisation and necessitated memorial conference. If scripted event did not encounter faith, then penal transformation would inevitably constitute intensive and subtracted distribution of documentary aggregate-assemblage anyway. And so empathetic participation encloses these conditions: a)melodic expression; b)transitional aesthetic-function; and c)orientation to limit substance in market horizon.
  17. Conclusion. This is also the Historical Method of Cognizing Logonomic Exhaustion whose technical temperature appears modal when provisional agency crowds stable attitude in spectral image of settling configuration. When not appearing in modes, situational logic and invented manner complies with rotational motor-scheme and serial Vision compresses in schedule of influence, meaning enacted redirection back to empathetic participation, which is countercontrol mechanism to face endurance in deterministic model of existence. Therefore, the only templum = integrated ritual units comparing referential clockwork of surface grain and sacrifices experimental practise in complication gradient of presupposed extensive interval. This emergence must translate having into corporeal unification or else person requisite for formal and scriptural dynamism will definitely not find curative intermission, and crowd around center of passport indifference, and exhaust there fully. And this in divisive table motion of contracted atmospheric process. In this case, only the Historical Methodology of Curative Self-Presentation can truly index the having manner and supplement fever scene with proper working cyclopedia of invented and active serial Number passion in density of logonomic code and diffusion of transgressed trajectory or circuit of displaced analytic tendency. Only this can line room and mediate echoes. The rest is counterfeit impressionism and focuses marginally.

***Finis opera, marked 4:44:08 PM***

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