Man of Passage: Beyond The Impenetrable Depths

The Painter’s Almanach
6 min readMay 1, 2024


Building an Inner Pyramid of Meaning and Being Buried Beneath It.

BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE UNIVERSE. Digital synthesis by A.G. © 2023. All Rights Reserved.


Imagine someone who has a great depth of interiority. He has meditated and contemplated much, and has reached some very deep places. His new vision has as center-most point his umbilicus. That is, his phenomenological “experience of experience” is, in contradistinction to a Ladder of “Ascent”, a Ladder of “Descent”. His spirituality is deep and dark, but not Satanic. He is a practicing Roman Catholic of the flavor of French Roman Catholic spirituality. If Thérèse of the Child-Jesus of the Holy Face is a “Little Flower”, then this man, who is a “pilgrim of the dark backward and abysm of time”, is a “Little Profundity” or “Little Depth”. He is living through a 10,000-year “winter of the soul”, similar to Saint-John of the Cross’ “dark night of the soul”, except it’s a winter. He has plunged into the depths, deepest as he could go, below Hell or Hades if these were actual places. The real place is in his belly where he is building Egyptian Pyramids. The Sun-God’s rays plumb down onto the earth, penetrating everything with high-energy waves, but the real “depth of soul” is in total darkness. It’s not the “Ascent of Mount Carmel” but the “Descent” from the mountain of despair into the deepest ocean of Joyful Being.

He has had penetrating insight into everything under the sun. But it always comes back to his depth of soul which keeps getting more and more profound as he experiences a kind of phantasmagoric experience deeper than hell that he calls his “private underworld”. It goes back in time to before the Creation of the universe, where everything was made of just “primordial waves” across the surface of an infinite blackness and infinite depth, beyond the zero-point of existence, in the luminous center of being. He has a “Black Moon” experience, a truly chthonic one, following the real meaning of the term “chthonic”, meaning deep beneath the earth. He learns that the first myths humanoid apes created had to do with humans coming up FROM THE DEPTHS, from caves deep inside the earth, in what is called “PRIMORDIAL EMERGENCE”. That is why humans are buried into the earth after death, to return to these primordial caverns of the soul.

He believes everything in life is just a deterministic prison-state, and the universe from the perspective of its totality, is just transfinite number of levels of deterministic prison-states within deterministic prison-states, all the way back in time to before the universe, where there was just a null point, a nullity, nothingness, the absence of anything. But this deeply felt absence, to this dark pilgrim, is his spiritual joy and apotheosis. He has collected a million books of the most exotic sorts, great theological treatises that the Vatican Archives don’t even know exist. And he begins burying them in a field. This is his primordial “Noise Field” experience.

The story of this “Man of Passage” is about the phenomenological experience of the truth behind the “Primordial Emergence” mythology of chthonic, hermeneutic exegesis. It is the broken Tables of the Laws of Moses, The Destruction of The Tower of Babel, where Satan is merely an image representing “trials and tribulations” in human life, and Hell is not a location but the “unquenchable fire” of this deep, dark, black, bottomless depth.


As the “Man of Passage” continued his descent into the abyss of his own soul, his actions unfolded in a series of mysterious and profound events. The field where he buried his vast collection of esoteric books transformed into a labyrinthine network of archives and basements. Darkly lit libraries emerged, each housing boxes filled with the secrets of forgotten wisdom. This intricate expanse of knowledge came to be known as “The Sublime Warehouse,” a place that extended to the edges of the world, encompassing Archive-Land — an ethereal convergence of the Warehouse-of-the-Soul and the Archive-of-the-Soul.

In this surreal domain, the “Man of Passage” delved into the depths of his being, reaching a point where he discovered an infinitesimally tiny singularity within the earth’s core, at the bottommost point of his Inner Pyramid. This minuscule point, a wellspring of light, began to radiate with the ineffable brilliance of the “Tabor Light” known to the monks of the desert who practiced The Prayer of The Heart. Over an eternity that seemed to unfold in the blink of an eye, his inner darkness transformed into the divine light of God, exceeding 100%. Levitating and experiencing a mystical Ascension, he transcended the earthly realm.

As the “Man of Passage” ascended, the million buried books, once symbols of his primordial Noise Field, turned luminous and began to float in the air. They formed an endless flock that soared towards the setting sun, beyond the farthest star, and traversed outer space. A celestial journey through time unfolded, the universe evolving backward until all visible and invisible forces converged into the “Singularity of Singularities.” This minute point, smaller than one dimension, entered a music box crafted from a single “Reality Pixel,” where a heavenly musica universalis emanated, playing an angelic melody that whispered through the stirrings of his soul.

In a reverse-resurrection, the “Man of Passage” returned to Earth, reborn into simplicity of heart and poverty of spirit. He embraced a mundane existence, living as a human being with a profound understanding of the depths he had traversed. Let him be known as Lucius Aetherius Ignatius.

Exiting a chapel after adoring the Blessed Sacrament for 7 hours, 7 minutes, and 7 seconds, Lucius Aetherius Ignatius pondered the mysteries of his journey. The hint of what lay ahead lingered in the air — a foreshadowing of further revelations and undiscovered depths. The next part of the story awaited, shrouded in the sacred echoes of the chapel’s silence.


Lucius Aetherius Ignatius, the enigmatic pilgrim, continued his timeless journey, wandering from village to village, an otherworldly figure sparking spiritual renewal in each parish he touched. Despite his mission to guide others toward a profound voyage of self-discovery, Lucius found himself perpetually estranged, an alien among his brethren. His pilgrimage, the greatest voyage of all time, was not a mere globe-trotting excursion like the Tourists who traversed the earth without settling. Instead, it was a continuous odyssey from himself to himself, a ceaseless rediscovery of his true self.

Gifted with intelligence as a heavenly grace, Lucius was bombarded by mystical experiences, reliving scenes from the Bible in ecstatic visions. His mind pierced through earthly mysteries, unraveling the profound secrets hidden within the fabric of existence. The pilgrim transitioned from an experience of “disincarnation,” dwelling in the Sacred Dormition within the impenetrable depths, to a true “incarnation” in all its brilliance and mystery.

As a new man, Lucius traversed towns, proclaiming the message of hope, the resurrection of the flesh, and eternal life. However, his words fell on deaf ears. The people, ensnared in their Tourist mentality, failed to connect deeply with anyone or experience life’s profundities. Their constant travels, adorned with photos for showcasing, lacked genuine engagement with the essence of existence.

Isolated and alienated from the flock, Lucius Aetherius Ignatius returned to the eternal, impenetrable depths beneath his Inner Pyramid. There, he chose solitude, embracing a lonely existence that became a purgatorial journey through the flames of hope. In his lowly state, he found a mysterious joy — an ineffable “Joyful Being” that transcended the mundane.

Living a life of solitude and simplicity, Lucius was purified through these flames. This lonely existence on Earth became a transformative experience, a journey toward the Mystery of Mysteries. In his self-imposed exile beneath the earth, buried deeply, he dwelled in another, even deeper, Sacred Dormition — a serene sleep until the end of time.

Awaiting the divine call that would make him rise to meet the Holy Face in the heavens, Lucius Aetherius Ignatius embraced his eternal abode. Resurrected in his spiritual body, he became a beacon of the mysterious and the ineffable — a testament to the profound journey from disincarnation to incarnation, from solitude to celestial communion. The Joyful Being, purified through the fires of existence, now stood ready for the ultimate reunion with the divine. And so, the tale of Lucius Aetherius Ignatius unfolded, a story of mystical encounters, spiritual metamorphosis, and the eternal quest for the Joyful Being within.

A.G. © 2024. All Rights Reserved.

