The Painter’s Almanach
3 min readJul 9, 2024


Reconnecting with Our Lost Heritage.

“THE CULTURAL SPLIT”. Digital painting by A.G. © 2024. All Rights Reserved.

2024–07–08 23:22:53

THE CULTURAL SPLIT: Reconnecting with Our Lost Heritage

In today’s world, a profound crisis of culture is emerging, often overshadowed by discussions of a “crisis of meaning.” Modern thinkers frequently lament the loss of meaning in our lives, but this perspective misses a deeper, more insidious issue: the disconnection from our cultural heritage and traditions. This separation from the wisdom and practices of our ancestors has left humanity unmoored, causing not just a loss of direction but a fundamental disruption to our identity. For centuries, religion served as a repository of culture, providing a rich tapestry of narratives that gave life purpose and order. Now, in our increasingly secular society, we are adrift.

It’s not just our minds that suffer from this cultural disconnection; it affects our entire being. Culture, with a capital ‘C,’ is the framework that shapes our lives, influencing not just our thoughts but our very essence. Losing our cultural roots means losing the scaffolding that supports our humanity. In the absence of these cultural anchors, modern individuals find themselves in a barren landscape devoid of the rich traditions that once provided a sense of continuity and belonging.

The thinkers who focus on the crisis of meaning often overlook the importance of art and culture. They fail to recognize that culture is not merely an accessory to civilization but its foundation. Culture binds us to our history and threads the needle of continuity through the fabric of human experience. Without culture, we face a void far more terrifying than the mere absence of meaning — the potential death of the soul.

So, how do we bridge this cultural chasm? How do we resurrect the spirit of culture in a world so deprived of it? The answer lies in creation. To reconnect with culture, we must actively create it. Each act of cultural creation, whether through art, music, literature, or other forms, serves as a link to our past and a beacon for the future. It is through these creative acts that we can restore the continuum of history and breathe life back into the hollow spaces of our existence.

The crisis of culture is a deep-seated wound that gnaws at the heart of humanity. It is a silent specter that erodes the roots of our identity. In losing our culture, we face a fate far worse than mere disorientation — we face the potential obliteration of the soul. The solution is not just in seeking meaning but in rekindling the fires of culture, in weaving anew the tapestries of our collective heritage.

In the act of creating culture, we find our salvation. Through making, crafting, and bringing life into the void, we heal the fracture. We restore the order that culture brings, not just to our minds but to our entire being. The cultural split can be mended not by thought alone but by the vibrant, pulsating act of creation. It is through this act that we reclaim our history, our traditions, and the essence of our humanity.

A.G. © 2024. All Rights Reserved.

