The Writing-Without-Writing Workshop (#4W)

The Painter’s Almanach
2 min readOct 12, 2014


Contemplating The Work of Art (#CTWA) (Boiletplate text for now)

Here is the step in a new production, the first picture, the image that we begin with in this short tutorial-like exploration of What Painting Is.

I began with a sequence of 6 numbers, namely 1907, 1912, 1914, 1927, 1933, and 1945. To some, these may seem like figures, or numbers, or just various shapes imprinted onto the canvas. The canvas is a material form which contains. Here in the next step, we add some color, maroon in this example.

We have added some color. What began as a sequence of numbers is now becoming slightly more interesting. What if we add some lines?

We begin to give a special morphology to the group of numbers. We are not certain that these are Years. They may just be random numerals.

Now we have a type of symbolic system, with stripes of colors giving unique classifications. This has been a serial Making-Of. To be continued… (and edited a hundred times)

