The Woman Crush Weekly, No. 28

Thank u, next. This week is ALLLLLLL about the boss women who took over bossing when their bosses behaved badly. I’ll take next. Word.

The Pallas Network
The Pallas Network
5 min readDec 4, 2018


The Replacements

Robin Wright “The beauty of getting older is you really don’t care what people think about you.”

Christiane Amanpour “I believe in being truthful, not neutral.”

Barbara Underwood “This is the time to be strong.”

Alison Stewart “I’d like to open the door and let a few more people through.”

Sen. Tina Smith “Do not underestimate me.”

Shitty men have run the world for centuries. The realization that maybe it’s time to stop letting shitty run rule the world has caused some convulsions and opened spaces into which a bunch of amazing women have stepped. I love this piece in which a dozen of these women have their say, and I think you will, too. — Elle

Nicole Berry

Nicole Berry, director of New York’s Armory Show art fair, is also mentioned in the Elle article above, but, for personal reasons I wanted to give her her own space. While I was reading this piece, I was like “Wait a minute … Didn’t I nearly work for that guy?” And so it was. He offered me a job, I chose not to take it. Now, this isn’t probably all that noteworthy, except this is the second time this has happened to me (this is my first near miss). What does it mean about society that one woman can see two men who were nearly her boss taken down in the “paper of record”? Is it even meaningful? To me it is, because it’s not like my career has been all sunshine and roses. What would the world look like if women like Nicole Berry had been given the opportunity to lead from the get-go? Are we going to get to find out? Or is this all going to fizzle out as some kind of “trend”? So many questions, so few answers. — Business of Home

Kristine E. Guillaume

It’s not everyday that leadership decisions made at a college newspaper get a headline in the New York Times. But then again, very few college newspapers can rival Harvard’s Crimson. And now, that very powerful, influential paper will be led for the first time since 1873 by a Black woman. Kristine E. Guillaume is a junior from Queens majoring in literature, history, and African-American studies. “If my being elected to the Crimson presidency as the first black woman affirms anyone’s sense of belonging at Harvard, then that will continue to affirm the work that I’m doing.” — The New York Times

Lina Hidalgo

Lina Hidalgo is 27. She is the new administrator of Harris County, Texas, home to Houston and the third-largest county in the United States. Some call her victory a surprise. Some call her victory an accident. Lina Hidalgo calls her victory her job. Many are trying to claim that the only reason Hidalgo won is because of Beto O’Rourke, and while her candidacy was certainly helped along by Beto’s Texan Blue Wave(tm), but in reality, she ran a really strong campaign and is likely to breathe new life into a job that has traditionally been almost strictly managerial. — Intelligencer

Heidi Zak

Heidi Zak is the founder of ThirdLove. They make bras and underwear and other things. At first I was all like, meh, about ThirdLove, because even though they professed inclusion, they were, imho, not inclusive. To wit: They did not make bras in my size. ThirdLove has since started making bras in my size, but I still wasn’t sure I wanted to support Zak and her brand. It all still felt a bit shitty. And then ads for that stupid “fashion show” featuring “angels” started popping up all over New York City, invading my daily commute, and I just kept thinking to myself “It’s 2018, how is this still a THING???” Apparently Zak has been thinking it, too, and she put her money where her mouth is a published a barnstormer of a full-page ad in the Times taking down VS, and especially one of their body-shaming, transphobic executives. Zak is not the first to go after VS. Becca McCharen-Tran, founder of Chromat definitely went there first. Anyway, this is all a lot of words to say SUPPORT WOMEN-OWNED BUSINESSES. Whether ThirdLove or Chromat is more your style, who cares, just buy their stuff. Tell your friends to buy their stuff. It may seem silly, but it’s super significant: Vote with your wallet. — Allure

Ellen Pompeo, Emma Roberts, Gina Rodriguez and Gabrielle Union

Picking a favorite moment from this video is damn hard. Are you team Ellen? Team Gab? Team Gina? Team Emma? Fuck it, let’s be TEAM ALL OF THEM. There are 👏SO👏MANY👏GOOD👏MOMENTS👏IN👏THIS👏 And yes I know it’s basically an ad for Net-a-Porter, but if all ads were THIS GOOD, man, I’d be way more into advertising. From Ellen Pompeo’s “fuck you, pay me moment” to Gabrielle Union breaking down how she and her friends in Hollywood get each other the pay they deserve, ugh, it’s just so wonderful! If you need a little reminder that there’s a glimmer of hope that things just might turn out alright, I strongly suggest giving this video 24-minutes of your time.

The Woman Crush Weekly is the newsletter of the Pallas Network. Our goal is to highlight the amazing women around the world changing the game. If you feel so motivated, please send along your favorite stories about women changing the world. My inbox is always open: xo — Ann



The Pallas Network
The Pallas Network

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