Staying Connected

While staying 6 feet apart.

Julia Stier
The Pandemic Papers


Image from Canva.

This morning, I was almost moved to tears by a very sweet and unexpected gesture. It wasn’t even intended for me, but witnessing this beautiful moment of community really touched me.

As my mom and I took a morning walk around our neighborhood, we noticed multiple families sitting on the curbs in front of their houses. I didn’t think too much of it, and just assumed people were taking advantage of the sunny weather. However, as we walked on, we started noticing that people were holding signs and balloons, and everyone seemed to be waiting for something.

We finally stopped and asked a family (while staying 6 feet away) what was happening.

They shared that the teachers from the local elementary school were planning a car parade. They missed their students and wanted to support them, so the teachers were going to drive through the neighborhood to say hello.

It was beautiful to witness, and a wonderful demonstration of how we can stay connected while still social distancing.

Pretty soon, we heard a chorus of honking horns, and turned to see a long line of cars zooming by (even running the stop signs!).



Julia Stier
The Pandemic Papers

Julia Stier is an LA-based actress and playwright. She is also the creator and editor of Players, Performers, & Portrayers.