7 Ways to Support Students’ Social-Emotional Learning

Zee from A Para Pro
The Para Perspective
4 min readMar 23, 2023


Are you a paraeducator looking to level up your classroom game? Look no further! Paraeducators play a key role in supporting students’ social-emotional learning. In this article, we’re gonna help you support your students’ social-emotional learning (SEL) like a pro.

But first, what the heck is SEL?

SEL or social-emotional learning is all about helping students develop the skills they need to manage their emotions, build positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. Basically, it’s like teaching them how to be awesome humans.

Photo by Alexis Brown on Unsplash

Are you ready to make a positive impact on your student’s social and emotional development?

Great! Let’s dive into five strategies that will make learning more fun and engaging for your students.

  1. Build those Relationships — Listen, if you want your students to learn anything from you, they gotta trust and respect you first. So, start by building positive relationships with them. Greet them with a smile, learn their names, and ask about their interests. Let them know you care about them as people, not just as students.
  2. Be Their Cheerleader — Your students need a champion, and you can be that person! Take the time to get to know each student, and find out what they’re interested in. Celebrate their achievements and efforts, no matter how small. By building positive relationships with your students, you’ll create a supportive environment where they feel safe and motivated to learn.
  3. Walk the Talk — Remember the old saying, “Do as I say, not as I do”? That’s not going to fly when it comes to social-emotional learning. Teaching your students how to manage their emotions and behavior is key for SEL. You need to model the behaviors you want to see in your students. Show empathy, active listening, and positive problem-solving skills. Teach your students how to regulate their emotions by practicing mindfulness and getting them breathing, using positive self-talk, and practicing mindfulness. Model these skills yourself and help them practice in real-life situations. And don’t forget to have fun and be silly sometimes — laughter is great medicine!
  4. Safe and Supportive Vibes Only — We’re all about positivity here, and so should you! A classroom that feels safe and supportive is essential for SEL. Encourage your students to work together, communicate, and show kindness and empathy towards each other. Make sure you’re monitoring student behavior and intervening when necessary. Encourage positive interactions among students and give them a space to express their feelings and thoughts. If conflicts arise, use peer mediation and conflict resolution strategies to help them work it out.
  5. Give Them a High Five! — Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool for helping your students develop social-emotional skills. When your students do something positive, give them a high five or a pat on the back. Praise their effort, progress, and achievements. Encourage them to be kind and helpful to others. By focusing on the positive, you’ll create a more supportive and inclusive classroom environment.
  6. Make Learning Social Learning — It doesn’t have to be a solitary activity. As a paraeducator, you can create opportunities for your students to work together and learn from each other. Group activities that promote teamwork and collaboration are great for developing social and emotional skills. Encourage your students to express their feelings and opinions in a safe and respectful environment. By making learning social, you’ll create a more engaging and interactive classroom experience.
  7. Team Up! — Collaboration is key to supporting your students’ social-emotional learning. Work closely with teachers and families to understand each student’s unique needs and strengths. Join forces with teachers to incorporate social-emotional learning into lesson plans and classroom activities. Communicate with families about your student’s progress and provide resources and support as needed. By working together, you’ll create a more supportive and inclusive learning environment for your students.
Photo by Firmbee.com on Unsplash
  1. Bonus: Keep Track of Progress — Last but not least, you gotta keep track of how your students are doing with SEL. Document their behavior, identify areas of concern, and provide feedback to teachers and parents. Use data to adjust your strategies and keep improving.


Paraeducators have the power to make a positive impact on their students’ social and emotional development. By being their cheerleader, modeling positive behaviors, giving them a high five, making learning social, and teaming up with teachers and families, you’ll empower your students to become confident and compassionate individuals. So there you have it, 5 tips for paraeducators to boost students’ social-emotional learning. Now, go forth and be the superhero your students need while having some fun while making a difference!



Zee from A Para Pro
The Para Perspective

Blogger empowering paraeducators with tips for success in education, self care, making money online and everything in between. Founder of - www.aparapro.com