I Tried to “Fail Fast”—Unfortunately, It Worked

3 Tough Lessons for Content Creators

Jessie Lewis
The Parables


I knew it wouldn’t be easy…

But I wasn’t ready for this slap in the face.

A few months ago, I set out on a YouTube content experiment (a fancy way to say I’m makin’ videos now). And I promised to tell you the good, the bad, and the ugly along the way.

Today, I get to share the first big negative experience. It is not hate comments or creepy men (though those have certainly been popping up), but something much more in my control.

Which might be worse.

The thing is, I truly thought I was making a great video

It was a late Wednesday night. I’d spent the previous 6 days working on a new video, which my younger-and-cooler sister was now reviewing for me before it went live.

She’s Gen Z. I trust her sense of coolness.

The video was a risk. I knew it. It was a DIY tutorial filled with self-deprecating jokes that led up to an, um… 80s dance video.

I thought it was hilarious. Like, I couldn’t stop laughing when I was editing it.

My husband, however, didn’t get it. He had been my first test viewer. He hadn’t laughed much at…



Jessie Lewis
The Parables

Writer, artist, mom. Subscribe to my personal newsletter, The Jumble, for more on creative living → https://jessielewis.substack.com/