Seizing Her Opportunity: Meet Jasmine Frazier

Katie Russell
The Paradigm Switch
3 min readNov 8, 2019

Jasmine Frazier is no stranger to the nuances of military life. As an Army child of nearly thirty years, she watched her dad fight to keep his career as their family moved from place to place. Now, as an Army spouse, she’s determined not to let the same thing happen to her.

Jasmine first learned about The Paradigm Switch through the Onward to Opportunity program at Syracuse University. Although taking a break from the workforce was always the plan until her children were old enough to go to school, Jasmine knew that she needed to take proactive steps to maintain her marketability during that time. She saw a post about TPS in an online Onward to Opportunity group and jumped at this new chance to better herself and to keep advancing her skills.

“I was immediately drawn to the GreenFig Digital Marketing Science program because it offered me a way to learn and practice new skills while still maintaining the flexibility I needed as a military spouse,” Jasmine says. “The future of work is changing, and military spouses are at the forefront of the movement. We need a level of flexibility that the civilian world just doesn’t understand. I saw the GreenFig opportunity as a way to work toward a digital career that I could take anywhere.”

Through the GreenFig program, Jasmine of course learned the skills necessary to build a thriving digital marketing career. But that’s not all — Jasmine believes that the real power and value of the course is how it prepares graduates to work anywhere in the world.

“Together, The Paradigm Switch and GreenFig are doing something much more powerful than just scholarships,” she says. “They’re empowering military spouses to believe that they CAN have meaningful remote digital careers, and then giving them practice in the tools and skills they’ll need to make it happen.”

The Paradigm Switch’s Digital Career Bootcamp brings this concept fully to life. Through a series of three online courses, the program helps military spouses stop starting over and take concrete steps toward building a digital PCS-proof career. Although Jasmine joined TPS before the launch of our Bootcamp, she is no stranger to the idea.

“The authenticity and energy that The Paradigm Switch brings to solving the problem of military spouse employment is refreshing, and quite frankly not found anywhere else in the space,” she says. “Digital career development is such an important conversation to have, and The Paradigm Switch is encouraging genuine dialogue like I’ve yet to see anywhere else. This is what it’s going to take to make a difference for military spouses.”

After her GreenFig program ended, Jasmine didn’t stop there. In fact, we are proud to tell you that she is currently working for GreenFig as a Student Operations Specialist! She is thriving as part of a dynamic remote team, and her coworkers and leadership can’t stop raving about her.

“Jasmine has been such an asset to our program,” says Juli Zarzour, VP of Operations at GreenFig. “Her adaptability, reliability, and willingness to learn new things are all traits we love about her — and characteristics we’ve learned are shared by many military spouses. We’re thrilled to continue to partner with The Paradigm Switch to give more military spouses the opportunity to launch their digital careers.”

The future looks bright for Jasmine, and we could not be more excited to continue to watch her grow. Right now she’s focused on soaking up all the experience she can, but in the future she can see herself making her mark in the world of ecommerce or possibly back at her alma mater, Savannah College of Art and Design. Whatever she chooses to do, The Paradigm Switch will remain an important part of her story.

“The Paradigm Switch is the real deal! They’re doing the hard work and having the big conversations that we need to be having to transform the future of work for all military spouses. I’ll always come back to the Network to be part of those conversations and to help tell the story.”

She IS The Paradigm Switch.

