The Brain-Computer Interface:

Michael Franzblau PhD
The Parallax
Published in
5 min readOct 21, 2020

When Technology Mimics Magic

In a recent conversation with some friends, I mentioned that I was writing an article on the brain-computer interface.

I explained that in 2012, you could purchase a Star Wars Science Force Trainer for only $35. It consisted of a wireless headset, a ping-pong ball and a transparent plastic tube fitted at its bottom with a fan. By concentrating on the fan, you could turn up its speed to blow the ping-pong ball up the tube to a desired height.

I then explained that the 2021 version now includes a Bluetooth brain-sensing headset and an app that enables the user to levitate a remote object and battle against Darth Vader. The manufacturer calls this an interactive science-based experience.

None of my friends believed that such a toy existed or even could exist.

“Come on, Mike. We know that can’t be true.” I laughed and replied, “If you don’t believe that, then how about a pair of fuzzy bunny ears that you wear? They stand up when you concentrate and flop over when you are relaxed. Or would you like to control your mouse and keyboard with just a thought?” I wish I had photographed their incredulous expressions.

I understood their skepticism. Many big leaps in technology seemed unbelievable before they were invented: the self-driving car, the heart transplant, missions to the moon and so on. Now we are on the threshold of advances that will give us mind control over our environment.

The Brain-Computer Interface

Our brains use motor neurons — single nerve cells in the spinal cord — to connect with and control our muscles. When we think about moving a muscle or muscle group, these neurons will fire. When they fire, electrical impulses go from our motor neuron complex to the particular muscle you are interested in moving. All this happens in microseconds.

In the case of a brain-computer interface where the intent is to operate a remote device such as a computer, the signal from the brain is sent via radio waves to the device rather than to a muscle.

An array of sensors (now called “wearables”) can be placed on the skull of the user or implanted within the brain. Modern brain-implantable sensors then measure the signals from user’s neurons.

Scientists are currently working to refine this technique with the hope that it will benefit people who cannot otherwise communicate, such as those with late stage ALS (also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease.)

In its late stage, the patient has a functioning mind but gradually becomes paralyzed. In the case of a paralyzed limb, even though the disease blocks the pathway for the electrical impulses to travel, the region where the signals originate remains intact and functional.

The Monkey-Computer Interface

Neuroengineers have developed sensors that, when implanted in a brain, can measure signals from individual neurons. Those signals can be used to control the movement of a cursor on a computer screen. The cursor is controlled by the subject’s thoughts.

Twelve years ago, monkeys learned to move a computer cursor simply by thinking about the task and seeing the visual feedback, but without any motor output. In May 2008, scientists at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center published photographs that showed a monkey operating a robotic arm by thinking.

The monkeys had tiny electrode arrays implanted in the part of their motor cortex that controls arm movements. The electrodes measured the electrical activity of the monkeys’ neurons while they were trained to manually move the computer’s cursor to accomplish a specific task.

Machine-learning algorithms discovered patterns in the stream of data and translated these into a monkey’s intent to move the cursor left, right, up, and down. Then the monkeys were set to the task of moving the cursor with their minds alone. The computer picked up the same patterns in the brain data, and the cursor moved accurately from target to target.

Elon Musk and Neurolink

Elon Musk’s dream is to help people experience “symbiosis,” a way for humans to communicate with machines or artificial intelligence. His brain-machine interface, called Neurolink, wirelessly transmits electrical signals from the brain to an external device such as a computer. It sits on the skull and connects through fine wires that pick up electrical signals from parts of the brain near the surface. He likens it to a “Fitbit in your skull.

Helping Patients Manage Disease

Diseases such as ALS, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy and multiple sclerosis cause the afflicted patients to lose their ability to control their muscles. Many of the afflicted patients cannot even speak or use hand signals to communicate. Some patients are, however, able to use eye movements to control and select the desired letters on a virtual keyboard.

In the past 10 years, an alternative communication system has been developed that uses brain waves to transmit thoughts without the need for any muscular motions. With a wearable BCI system that picks up brain waves, the patient selects a key by looking at it and the correct letter will be “pressed” by the computer. The brain-controlled “speller” enables the patient to carry on thought-controlled conversations. his is accomplished through the use of sensors that pick up the electrical signals that emanate from the brain and pass through the skull.

In recent years, advanced wearable BCIs have helped patients manage a variety of diseases including schizophrenia, migraines, attention deficit disorder, and chronic pain. They have also helped increase concentration and relaxation and alleviate sleep disorders. All are available online.

Where are we heading with this new technology?

After learning about progress in BCI, I have become uncomfortable with the implications and possible effects on our lives of brain-controlled external reality. Take telepathy for an example. Will the privacy of thoughts be invaded. If this becomes possible, what will be the impact on our personal lives as well as society as a whole?

It’s not unusual for a brain-computer interface to summon up dystopian thoughts. Will “Big Brother” be able to one day monitor and control our minds? Or could such an interface instead result in a more profound level of connectedness between people? Either way, the possibilities are fascinating.



Michael Franzblau PhD
The Parallax

Michael Franzblau is a NJ-based writer and educator with a PhD in physics. His new book, ”Science Goes to the Movies,” links sci-fi movies with current science.