5 Key Ingredients to Effective Communication in Children

And It Can All Start in the Kitchen

Danya Khelfa
The Parenting Corner


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Do you remember the last meal you enjoyed eating?

Now go and let that person know just how much you enjoyed eating that meal, and come back to finish reading the rest of this article.


Now, believe it or not, positive communication in the kitchen adds to the enjoyment of cooking!

Really? But how?

Communicating how delicious the meal you are about to eat is just one example!

Complimenting the chef doesn’t hurt either!

It can also be in how you teach someone how to make that recipe into an delicious meal for all to enjoy!

Encouraging children to spend time in the kitchen can help their improve communication skills because communication is directly linked to problem solving and critical thinking skills.

When children learn to turn recipes into delicious meals, they learn not only the steps to cooking, but how to communicate their understanding of putting all the steps together.

Meet Sali. She loves lasagna and is over the moon happy when her mom makes it for lunch. Her mom knows this because Sali tells her so.



Danya Khelfa
The Parenting Corner

Engineer turned educator for 20+ years who enjoys talking about education, mental health, & wellness. Let's connect: https://linktr.ee/edukitchenservices