I Found a Time Capsule of Lost Words I Wrote About My Baby

A love letter to my daughter on her one-week birthday

Dana DuBois
The Parenting Portal


Face of an alert newborn baby in a white onesie
My wee baby girl, at about a week old. Photo by author.

Have you ever lost your words?

And no, I don’t mean you got flustered and couldn’t think of the right thing to say. I mean, have you ever written something of great importance, and then lost those words, forever?

I have, twice.

The first was in 2002, when I spent over two months studying Spanish in Spain. I kept a handwritten journal of my adventures, my loneliness, my wonders, my travels, my life spent living as a sort-of Spaniard. It started all in English and by the end was equal parts English and Spanish, as my skills grew. I’d filled nearly the entire book with words. And I had it with me in my bag when I visited a karaoke bar one evening toward the end of my stay. While I got up and sang Bryan Adams’ “Summer of ‘69” a complete monster of a “ladrón” stole my bag. They got a lipstick, maybe 12 euros — and my completely, utterly irreplaceable journal.

It’s been over 20 years.

What I wouldn’t give to have that journal back.

The second time I lost my words, they were digital, not handwritten. When I was pregnant in 2007, I decided to blog about it. But I didn’t use a platform that…



Dana DuBois
The Parenting Portal

Publisher for Pink Hair & Pronouns and Three Imaginary Girls. Boost nominator. I'm a GenX word nerd living in the PNW with a whole lot of little words to share.