I Started Writing Because Everyone Stopped Listening

What could a stay-at-home mom possibly have to talk about?

Kendra Sparkles
The Parenting Portal


Image of a woman sitting at a table, staring at her cell phone with a small child on either side of her
Photo by Vitolda Klein on Unsplash

I emptied the remainder of the bottle of wine into my glass and took a loud gulp as my old college roommate talked incessantly on the other end of the phone. I’m not much of a drinker but this was an occasion that required alcohol.

Checking the time, I realized I’d been on the phone for over an hour and a half. Impressive, considering Jill stopped talking to breathe approximately twice during the entire “conversation.” The baby monitor signaled that my daughter was fussing but instead of telling Jill, I set the phone down and let her keep rambling.

Jill had been reminiscing about her favorite memory of us in college for over ten minutes. She recalled every last detail of climbing out my townhouse window into a snowbank in a tight blue dress and losing a heel in the snow as she ran from the police. She asked me what was going through my mind as I hid in a cupboard from the cop who came to break up my out-of-control party.

Oh, I don’t know, maybe that I want whatever glue you’re sniffing, I almost said, but decided sneaking away to check on my daughter was the better choice. When I returned several minutes later, Jill’s words were still spilling out into my receiver.

