My Second Child is Going to Be a Girl — My Entire Family Wanted a Boy
Why do I feel so guilty about it?
Prior to having our daughter, my husband and I always knew that we wanted to have more than old child. Exactly how many children we want after her is still a question mark, but we just knew that we wanted our children to grow up with at least one sibling.
After our daughter was born in the summer of 2023, I imagined that I would give myself a little while before we tried for another. Lo and behold, I found out that I was pregnant again with our second child right before our daughter’s first birthday.
Admittedly, I was freaking out at first, but in general, we were very excited. And, if I’m being honest, the societal pressures of the omnipresent ticking “internal clock” got to me a bit faster than I anticipated. Plus, I figured since I was already in the baby-raising mindset, so why not give it another go?
When it came to finding out the gender, we didn’t want it to be a surprise. We had found out with our first, so naturally, we decided that we wanted to know for our second as well. We both assumed that we’d find out early on by the twelfth week of my pregnancy through the bloodwork that reveals the baby’s gender, however, that didn’t happen this time around.