Member-only story
Nesting Looks a Little Different When it Comes to Your Second Child
Or third, or fourth, or fifth…
As I slowly waddle my way into my third trimester of pregnancy, the reality of birthing an entirely new human is officially making its frantic way into the bowl of mush that was formerly known as my brain.
As a stereotypical type-A person, I’ve always been very anal about making sure things were just right — making list upon never-ending list of tasks to do, putting things in their respectful places, and having a precise game plan for every single move that I made. That was precisely me when it came to baby number one.
From the moment I found out I was pregnant with my first daughter, I fell into a rabbit hole that was non-stop nesting mode. I did a deep dive into baby research, reading article after online article about motherhood and parenting, sought out advice from friends and family, created a nursery vision board on Pinterest, and googled all of the different baby products I needed to set myself and baby up for success.
Doing all of these things gave me comfort in feeling that I was as prepared as I possibly could be, given my lack of experience as a real life parent. Then, when my daughter finally arrived, I learned the cold hard truth that you don’t really know what parenting is like until you…