Parents, Cherish Every Moment Spent Around Your Dining Table

There you will intentionally build strong, robust children, equipped to face the world

Maria Rattray
The Parenting Portal


A dining table laden with beautiful home-cooked food
A dining table laden with home-cooked food. Photo by Gor Davtyan on Unsplash

When your table suddenly becomes too small, it’s a sign you should build a bigger one.

I’ve been considering the demise of the dining table as a place for people to gather at the end of what some might view as an ordinary day, to break bread together.

But you and I know the truth. There is no such thing as an ordinary day. No two days can ever be the same, for obvious reasons, and so to value it for the gift it is, sitting around the table with family, to share, can never be understated, not for parents, or children.

Not for anyone, when I think about it.

Whenever we come together intentionally, around a table, it can so easily become a life-changing experience.

With our families, eating and bleating (allowable at times!) at the table should be so much more natural than the casual approach to eating we tend to see today, one where nobody seems connected, and verbal contact is virtually non-existent.

This habit enjoyed an incredible back-door entry



Maria Rattray
The Parenting Portal

Writer, author, teacher, fun-loving poet. Trying valiantly to make the world a better place. Helping you to guide the future. Find me at: