Tired Of Unsolicited Parenting Advice?

5 helpful tips for the unsure mom

Kelly Gawitt
The Parenting Portal
3 min readJul 14, 2024


Woman with long brown hair in white t-shirt with left hand on her hip and her right hand on her forehead, eyes wide open, beyond frustrated.
Image by Author made with Canva

A total stranger at a public playground told me that I needed to teach my three-year-old how to share her toys with her much older child. She also generously gave me a follow-up lesson on how I should discipline her.

Several family members told me my five-year-old needed to get used to the stress at school, it was part of life. They also told me it was normal for him to be angry and to act out now that he was in kindergarten. They told me that I should not consider homeschooling as an option. Two told me that I could not.

I’ve even had to listen to friends without children tell me how to get my babies to sleep through the night.

Yes, my eyes are rolling.

When I’m in the thick of parenting challenges, the last thing I want is unsolicited advice. I want empathy. Compassion. Someone to listen. Unfortunately, many try to help by telling me what to do.

I don’t know about you but it’s hard for me to tune out unwanted voices. I try to remain calm but I feel triggered, insulted, and sometimes confused. Maybe conflicted is a better word.

Part of the reason I feel this way is because I’ve grown up in an environment that taught me to second…



Kelly Gawitt
The Parenting Portal

I believe what coffee and a walk in the woods can't fix, a heart-to-heart talk with Jesus and a little whiskey can. Married, mom, freelance copywriter from CT.