Member-only story
To the Mother of My Son’s Bully
What I want you to know
I know your name. I know where you live and what kind of car you drive. I know all of your kids' names, not just the oldest, who has relentlessly bullied my oldest son for the past four years. I know these things because I want to know more about you. I want to know more about the woman that puts her children on the bus each morning, much in the same way I do. I want to know how a woman and mother, like me, can put her son on the same bus that will then come and pickup my children, can not know the harm one of your children has caused one of mine for 4 long years now.
I cannot believe you don’t know. In fact, I’m sure that you do. The first time it happened, I sent you a Facebook message and told me that you would, “let the school handle it.” I disagreed and decided it was best that I block you for your lack of concern for the fact that your son had targeted and isolated my son with autism.
The next school year began and it was one thing after another. During our son’s IEP meeting, we brought up the fact that your son bullies our son relentlessly. The administration assured us that it was “handled.” But that didn’t stop your son from threatening to “stab my son in the stomach until he was dead," did it? Or the fact that my son had had enough and pushed him away from himself. Your son didn’t like…