Who Else Is in Awe of Their Children?

I find it hard to believe that these little shits, whose nappies (diapers) I changed, are so successful. You?

The Parenting Portal


Catch me Daddy, I gonna dive. Photo by Rob Hayman on Unsplash

Not only that, they are the fruit of my loins. That’s like a cactus producing the finest Cabernet Sauvignon grapes. It makes no sense.

My son is a creative director at the BBC, in London. His projects include The Olympic Games; Radio 1; The Eurovision Song Contest; David Attenborough's new sound masterpiece; and many more.

My abiding memory of him though, is seeing his face as he told me he had driven my new electric golf car over a ramp and plowed it into a bridge. He was eleven. The words, “Do not touch the golf car,” had barely evaporated into thin air.

He bent the axle. Naturally. He has never been cheap.

Or the time I asked him why he lied about throwing rocks at a truck parked at a building site in our subdivision. We had just built our first home in the USA. And next door were trying to finish theirs. My son had other ideas.

“Why did you lie about throwing rocks at that truck,” I asked.

“I did not lie, Dad,” he replied.

“Son, I saw you with my own eyes. You, Jake, and Connor were throwing rocks and stones at the…



The Parenting Portal

Brand Nerd. Waiting for the fat lady to sing ! Dyslexic - is it there or their. Passionate about making time to just think!! Sadly thinking hasn’t helped much.