10 Days Left To Enter The $10K Mystery Writing Challenge

The competition is not as stiff as you think and here’s why

Linda Caroll
The Partnered Pen


photo licensed from Deposit Photos

Let me tell you the stupidest thing.

Last time I wrote about a writing challenge, the challenge was to write a story that started with a specific sentence. I emphasized that strongly. More than once. Start with *this* sentence. Don’t put anything in front of it!!

One reader asked me why I was so dramatic about it. Then he went and looked at the submissions. Wow, he said. Wow.

Yeah. That’s how I felt, too. Wow.

A good chunk of entries did NOT start with the required prompt. lol

Like — seriously. I wish I was kidding.

The rules said “write a story that starts with this sentence and you could win $10,000.” A good third of entries did not start with the required sentence. You’d think if a person can write, they should be able to read?

But apparently not.

I don’t write about all the writing challenges. Because Vocal runs writing challenges all the time. All. The. Time.

I don’t write about the little ones.

The ones that pay $500 or $2500. They have those all the time. If I wrote to remind you of all the…

