100 Rejections Project

An Update On the Project that is Changing Me

Tammy Breitweiser
The Partnered Pen


I love challenges. I schedule self imposed challenges and enjoy ones within communities. It allows me to focus and boundries tend to make me more creative.

For my Year of MORE I set out on the task of sending out a piece every day in 2020 until I reach 100 rejections. Everything submitted is logged on my spreadsheet. There is a second tab with publication submission requirements and journals.

My challenge — my rules.

If a piece gets rejected, I send it out again. Sometimes I even send it out the same day. I have revised several pieces for word count and overall tone.

100 days pushes into April which will overlap with other challenges I do every year.

The Two Writing Teachers Blog has a daily posting challenge in March. I also prep for STORYADAY May in April.

I write every morning as is my habit. There are story ideas that come out of those writings. I have to go back through the last notebook and transcribe the fiction pieces. There are also tidbits of ideas for articles.

As of today, I am 43 days into the 100.

I have earned 5 acceptances.
I have earned 18 rejections.
The remaining pieces I have not heard back yet.

I am learning some things about my process and the idea of rejection along the way. You can read some…

