100 Things to Put on Your Writer’s Bucket List

Number 33 will blow your… Just kidding

Karen Banes
The Partnered Pen


Photo by David Iskander on Unsplash

It’s over 25 years since I got my first short story published for pay, and a lot longer since my obsession with words, writing and reading started. I’m currently re-jigging my writer’s bucket list, partly because I’ve already crossed a lot of things off.

It occurred to me other writers might have their own bucket list, or want to start one. If that’s you, here’s a little inspiration for you: just some writing-related goals that might be fun to aim for. Pick a few that work for you, and start crossing them off.

(The legal bit: I recommend some books and stuff as part of this list. As well as being a writer I’m an affiliate marketer (find out more here) and an official Amazon Influencer (not that I identify as any kind of influencer). When I recommend things online and link to them, I (sometimes) earn a (small) commission. Find out more about what that means here.)

And now, those 100 things I promised you.

  1. Write a story about your first love.
  2. Write an article about your pet peeve.
  3. Write (and submit) a guest post or pitch for your favorite blog.
  4. Write (and submit) an article or query for your favorite magazine.



Karen Banes
The Partnered Pen

Freelance writer sharing thoughts on life, society, creativity, and productivity. https://changetheworldwithwords.substack.com