17 Reasons Why You Should Stop Chasing Success

A Self-Examination

Marla J. Albertie
The Partnered Pen
Published in
6 min readJun 1, 2020


“Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.”

— Henry David Thoreau

Everyone wants to be successful, but what does this mean?

I have goals; I mean big goals, and when I achieve them I will have more goals, so I often ponder with this question, what does success mean? Am I chasing it? What the hell do I want? I had to be honest with myself and journal my thoughts to the 17 suggestions below, it was eye-opening.

Self-examination is key for success.

Here are 17 reasons you need to examine why you are chasing success and what to do about it.

Be honest with yourself.

1.What are you chasing? What exactly are you looking for? A better life? More money? What are you going after that you have to have it so badly? Is it worth chase?

I am not saying the chase is right or wrong, but if you don’t know what you are chasing in the terms of “success,” how will you achieve it? Stop and ask yourself what do you want.

2. Success leaves clues, you don’t have to chase it. Tony Robbins says “success leaves clues.” Many times we are not paying attention to what is in front of us.

Success is about the journey.

Your next idea can be sitting in front of you, but you are so focused on getting 100,000 followers, and you are forgetting the followers who are supporting you now.

3. You have not defined success. Welp, this one seems to be a no-brainer, but have you written your definition of success? Mine is: Harmony in all areas of my life. The beauty is the definition is not in stone, I can change it when I am ready.

Grab a journal, write your definition, then rewrite it, and read it repeatedly. Always know your definition.

4. There is nothing new. Every idea is a replica of another idea. Someone added their unicornary to it and made it different. I am not trying to be a dream killer; I am suggesting you add to what has been created.



Marla J. Albertie
The Partnered Pen

Life, Career, & Executive Coach. Life-Harmonizing Strategist. Blogger. Author. Want harmony in your life? Go here: https://www.truthspeakscoaching.com