500% Solution: The Six Best Ways to Proofread Your Writing

Editorial Secrets include editing from iPhones to massive screens

Joseph Serwach
The Partnered Pen


The way we read keeps changing — altering the way we proofread.

We scan over a never-ending-river-of-words, learning to skip over many. Every device helps us see our content in a slightly different way.

Autocomplete, different versions of spellcheck and Grammarly (which sometimes give contradictory advice), and shifting between unfamiliar software and computing platforms can sometimes compound or “edit in” errors.

“Way back” in 2010, we proofread what we wrote on computers and printed it out, spotting errors in print we missed on-screen and vice-versa. How quaint.

Now, I find myself proofing articles and books on my laptop (where Grammarly works well) and multiple other devices.

Research shows the faster you read, the more likely you are to unconsciously skip ahead, assuming the correct words are there even when they’re not. According to Google research, as much content is generated every 48 hours as was written between the dawn of time and the year 2000.

Why proofreading matters



Joseph Serwach
The Partnered Pen

Story + Identity = Mission. Leadership Culture, Journalism, Branding Education. Inspiration: Catholic, Polish. https://serwachjoe.medium.com/membership