Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash

$94.61 USD — My Highest Earning Story on Medium

Let’s analyze the stats.

Katy Velvet
The Partnered Pen
Published in
3 min readDec 27, 2020


In March 2019, I joined the Medium Partner Program after finding it on a whim. Writing has always been a hobby of mine and I never thought that I would one day get paid for it.

For those who don’t know me, I am a 32 year old writer residing in Canada. I write about mental health, my journey living with ADHD and the occasional story about cats. I have a full-time job I am committed to and don’t plan on leaving anytime soon.

Medium is somewhere I can go to at the end of the night and feel “incognito.”

It gives me a place of comfort and anonymity.

When it comes to making money on Medium and everything else in life, you have to always be ready to move like water. Things are constantly changing, whether it’s the platform’s algorithms or the overall culture of the community.

Luckily for me — even after taking months off of writing, I was still able to generate money from my older articles. Have my articles from last year finally become “passive income”?

I was surprised to see that my highest earning story is something I had written in June of last year. It was curated at the time but fell flat very quickly.



Katy Velvet
The Partnered Pen

Freelance writer with a lifetime of stories about mental health, gender inequality and an incurable obsession with cats.