Medium Asked What We Think Of Robots Writing Here

If you’re a writer, you need to read this.

Linda Caroll
The Partnered Pen


photo licensed from Deposit Photos

On Friday, I got an email from Scott Lamb, VP of content at Medium. He asked what we think of robots writing on Medium.

You probably got the email.

If you didn’t, go into your settings and tick the box beside “The Edition,” which is Medium’s newsletter for writers. If you’re going to write here, shouldn’t you get actual updates from Medium?

Here’s a snippet:

Medium isn’t just a place where people write about AI-generated text, but where they publish it. As a platform, we’re wrestling with what the right approach should be. AI writing is here now, how should we handle it? We’d love to know your thoughts …

One million AI users in 5 days.

On November 30, a company named OpenAI released a new AI chatbot, called ChatGPT. By Dec. 5, more than a million users tried it out.

Over a million people. In five days.

ChatGPT can communicate in a way that sounds human. I used to think AI was always going to sound stilted. Uncreative. Unhuman.

I was wrong.

You need to see this…

